Chapter 14: A Stitch in Time

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I slump against the bars, aching all over. My skin is cut and bruised from being dragged across the rocks. Blood trickles down my wrists. I try to pull my hand through once more, but the shackles are too tight.

"You might as well give up trying to get out that way, Stormy." Hook lays his head back wearily against the bars. "My brother would know better than to leave those loose."

"Yeah, well it was worth a try. If you hadn't put that bloody snake on my arm, I wouldn't be in this predicament"

"I love how this has turned into my fault after I just saved you from becoming a boulder," Hook replies caustically.

"I can take care of myself," I snap back. I am hungry, thirsty, tired, and my patience is pretty much nonexistent at this point. I don't know how Hook is keeping up his languid demeanor. His apparent coolness is making me even more heated. "I didn't need you to come after me. I wouldn't have let her turn me into a rock."

"You're right, lovey." Hook scans me up and down slowly. "You would never be a rock. You're too small for that. She would have turned you into a tiny, little pebble."

"Well, well, well." Wind's voice came from behind my head, low and menacing. "Are the two lovers having their first quarrel?"

"More like our one hundredth," Hook mutters.

"The two of you should start settling your differences because you will be spending a great deal of time together."

"At least I won't be spending time with you," I retort.

Hook snorts in laughter. With a quick motion, Wind grabs my hair and yanks my head back against the metal bars. She pulls out a knife with her other hand and presses the blade against my throat. The cold metal pricks my skin.

"I would think before speaking if I were you," she hisses.

"If you were me, I'd be disgusting," I grit out recklessly.

Wind yanks the knife back and plunges it towards my neck. I try to dodge the blow, but I can't move far enough with my hands pinioned to the bars. Hook pulls against his chains cursing loudly at Wind. At the last moment, a strong hand grabs her wrist, redirecting the blow. A flash of pain shoots across my shoulder. The knife slices down the front of my shoulder to my collarbone. I bite my lower lip to keep from crying out.

"What are you doing, Wind?" Peter throws the girl away from the cage.

"She insulted me." Wind calmly eyes the blood dripping down my shoulder while she toys with her dagger. "She treated me just like he did."

"We need her alive. You can't kill her, so just stay away," Peter commands.

"Whatever you say, dear."

As she turns to go, Wind shoots me a glare that would be more frightening if I wasn't concerned with my streaming blood. With both of my hands out of commission, I have no way to stem the crimson flow. Peter waits for her to walk away, but she pauses and looks back at Hook.

"Oh James, it's hard to see how low you have dropped your standards. You should be more careful with whom you keep company."

Shaking back her long braids, Wind glides away. Peter follows her with one hand on a short rapier at his side. I crane my head around and look at Hook. 

"What was she talking about?"

"Are you all right, Stormy?" Hook changes the subject, straining against his chains to see the damage.

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