Chapter 26: Fight

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I can't move. My breath catches in my throat. Hook's hair whips around his face wildly as he plunges towards the earth. His arms and legs flail through the air helplessly. Suddenly, my mind starts working again, and I unfreeze. Diving down, I fly through the sky, racing to reach Hook before he crashes into the forest. I summon my magic and direct a wind current beneath him to slow his descent, but he is still falling at a dangerous speed. Just before he hits the treetops, I seize his arm.

The two of us come to an immediate halt, floating above the forest. Breathing rapidly, Hook wraps his arms around my body and buries his head in my hair. I can feel his heart pounding in his sturdy chest. We hover in the air for a moment before I push free from him. Keeping a tight grip on his sleeve, I speed away from the forest towards the mountains. I know Merlin's magic does not extend to flying, so he will be unable to follow us.

Swiftly, I soar towards Lookout's Peak, the highest point on Neverland. Landing on the ledge, I shove Hook forward. He stumbles a few steps, crashing into the mountain wall that curves above Lookout's Peak.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell at him.

"Well, I've got a mouthful of dirt now." Hook spits on the ground, clearing his throat. "Thanks for that, Stormy."

"Were you born stupid or do you actively work at being an idiot?" I push Hook again. "You could have killed yourself, you bloody git!"

"I was trying to keep you from burning up," Hook says defensively.

"I have magic!" I roar in his face. "I know how to put out fire!"

"Oh." Hook shuffles his feet sheepishly. "I forgot about that."

"I was literally in a magic duel two minutes ago!"

Burning rage courses through my veins. I can feel heat rolling off my skin in waves. If I could kill Hook with the intensity of my fury, he would be in an advanced state of rigor mortis. I can't destroy him with my gaze, so I raise my hand and slap him in the face.

Before my hand reaches his cheek, Hook grabs my wrist. I strike at him with my other hand, but he seizes that one as well. Instantly, I kick out at Hook, knocking him backwards.

"Draw!" I order, yanking out my double jian swords.

"What? Jimmy, I don't want..."


Stepping forward, I swing at Hook, forcing him to leap backwards. Quickly, he pulls out his backsword and blocks my next attack. I thrust forward ferociously and follow up with a series of strikes. The two of us dance around the narrow ledge, our swords weaving together in an intricate pattern. We are evenly matched opponents with his strength and my agility.

"Jimmy, what are you doing?" Hook shouts over the clashing metal. "I don't want to fight with you!"

"Well, I want to fight with you!" I slash at his leg.

"Look, I'm sorry about your father," Hook apologizes, jumping over my blades. "I shouldn't have kept that from you."

"No, you shouldn't have!" I respond swiping at his chest.

"And I am deeply sorry that I caused you pain."

"Caused me pain?" I scoff. "I'm completely invulnerable to you. Causing me pain would imply that I care, and I obviously do not care about you. I feel nothing but hate towards you."

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