Chapter 18: Gold Flecks

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Leaning my head down, I press my ear against Hook's chest. His heart is still beating erratically, and I can hear his faint breaths. Gently, I lay him on a cushion and start to walk over to a cupboard before I remember that we are still chained together. There is no way I can get over there unless I pull the unconscious pirate with me, but moving him might make his injuries worse. I swear under my breath as I glance around the room. Finally, I decide to take the lightest, thinnest blanket and clean away the excess blood. Kneeling, I stretch my free arm as far as I can and reach behind the stove. I can feel rough fabric against my fingers.

"Come on. Just a little further," I grunt.

Leaning closer to the ground, I extend a few more inches and grab the burlap bag. With a sigh of relief, I sit up and open the bag. Quickly, I sift through the contents and take out a small crystal bottle.

"You are going to owe me big time for this," I mutter, pulling out the cork.

I spill the shimmering liquid onto his back and place the bottle back in the bag. The bloody gashes immediately begin closing until they disappear completely, leaving only long, dark scars. Pressing my fingers against his neck, I can feel his pulse has stabilized. Hook's brow is furrowed in pain, but he remains unconscious. The color is coming back to his face, so I feel sure he will be fine. He better be after all the work I've put into him.

Reaching back into the bag, I take out some strips of dried beef and fruit. After I shove the food in my mouth, I curl up in the mounds of cushions and blankets next to Hook. Basking in the warmth from the stove, I close my eyes. It seems as though I have just shut them when I feel a callused hand against my cheek.

"Jimmy? Are you all right? Come on. Wake up, Stormy."

Reluctantly, I open my eyes. Hook is hovering above me anxiously. His face is still a bit pale, but his eyes are keen and clear as usual.

"What's up?" I ask with a wide yawn.

"You're all right." Hook brushes a strand of hair out of my face. "You're alive."

"So are you," I reply.

"It would appear to be so. Thanks to you, lovey."

"Well, I couldn't just let you die." I stretch my sore arms out. "I have no desire to drag your dead weight around the forest while fighting with your brother. That would be such a bore."

"Indeed. I imagine it would." Hook pushes back his thick, damp hair and takes my hand. "Well, for whatever reason, I thank you."

I nod and rise to my feet. "Do you feel strong enough to travel?"

Hook grins at me in his usual cocky manner. "I suppose I can muster my feeble strength to jaunt through the woods. What did you use on my back by the way? It feels completely healed."

"It is. Well, other than the scars."

Hook gestures to my blood-stained shirt. "Did you heal yourself?"

I shake my head. "There wasn't enough for the both of us."

Hook frowns. "You shouldn't have used it on me when you needed it."

"I'm fine." I brush off his objection. "It hardly hurts anymore. I have a high pain threshold. Flicker says it's because of the magic that runs through me. Besides you were about to die. I think you needed it far more than I."

Hook starts to speak, but I cut him off.

"We can't stay here much longer. We need to find your men. Peter found your ship once, and he can find it again. And if your men's lousy watch is any indication of their abilities, they don't stand a chance against your brother and that witch."

"Wind," Hook murmurs. "I should have known Peter would choose her."

"Who is she?" I ask.

"Someone I very much wish he had never brought here." Hook's eyes darken, but he turns away from me and squares his shoulders. "You're right. We do need to find the Jolly Roger. We should head out immediately."

"But you can't go out like that. It's still raining out," I protest.

Hook glances down at his bare chest and looks back to me. His face brightens mischievously. "What? Don't you like the view?"

Rolling my eyes, I pull him over to a trunk in a corner and take out a large linen shirt. "This looks like it will fit."

"And how exactly am I supposed to put it on with our hands chained together? Are we both putting it on? Are we going to see who looks better in it?"

"Hold the shirt up in front of you," I instruct.

Hook dangles the shirt from the tips of his fingers. It sways loosely for a moment and then slips through the chain onto his body. Hook strokes the fine fabric with gold embroidery.

"Whose shirt is this? You don't seem the type to collect men's shirts."

"It's a friend of mine. He stays here sometimes," I explain briefly.

Hook scowls, but says nothing. I wait for a second, then shrug. I don't have time or inclination to try to figure out his odd mood swings. Leading him to the door, I pick up two waterproof hoods. I toss one to Hook and pull the other over my hair. Picking up a few throwing knives, I strap them on.

"If you try to attack me again," I warn Hook as I hand him my longest backsword, "I swear I will cut off your hand and feed it to a reptile."

"If I attack you again," Hook sheathes the blade and fastens it to his belt, "I give you permission to try. You'll fail, but you can try."

Opening the door, I lead Hook through the forest. Even though we are chained together, we move swiftly and silently. We don't even have to talk to communicate. Once we reach the beach, I take Hook's hand and jerk my head up. He nods. Slowly, I lift into the air. Nothing disturbs us, so I take a risk and fly even higher.

"There!" Hook points down.

His ship is in a bay nearby. It appears to be unharmed, and I can see a few crew members lounging on the deck. Hook exhales, relieved. His soft breath tickles my ear.

"Looks like it's all clear," I reply.

Dropping us down through the sky, I fly us over the water and onto the ship's deck. We land so lightly none of the sailors stir.

"Well blokes, we're back! Did you miss us?" Hook announces loudly.

None of the men move. They remain prone on the deck with their chests slowly rising and falling.

Swiftly, I seize Hook's hand. "It's a trap. They're in an enchanted sleep."

"That's right."

Hook and I whirl around towards the captain's cabin where a cloaked man has emerged.

"They didn't seem inclined to listen to me, so I had to use this measure for my safety."

"Who are you?" Hook demands, pushing me behind him. "Do you work for my brother?"

"I'm offended you don't recognize me. I haven't changed that much...or at all really."

The man pushes his hood aside. He is young and well-built with dark brown skin and black eyes with gold flecks.

"Merlin!" Hook and I exclaim at the same time.

Thank you so much for continuing to ship out with Flying! I really appreciate the reads and likes! 

Dedication Time:

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to two of my most faithful readers:
ElleryHart and Zahra_Woodard

Check out their stories and profile pages! 

I'll see you next week!

Commodore Caroline

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