Chapter 42: Storm on the Ocean

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With a startled scream, Flicker jerks back sending a shower of sparkling dust into the pool. The watch flies through the air with the chain trailing behind like a gold streamer. I leap forward but the metal string slips through fingers, and the timepiece slips into the shimmering water. Instantly, a swirling vortex begins to form above the surface of the pool. The energy begins drawing me forwards, and I cry out in alarm.

I reach for Flicker, but the fey collapses backwards out of my reach as my body is irresistibly drawn into the whirlwind of magic. Terror races through my veins like a freezing winter gale. The portal's power lifts my feet off the ground. There is nothing solid under my toes. Nothing I can hold to keep me in this world. I can't even summon my energy essence to use magic. My spirit spark feels as though it has faded into nothingness. I'm sliding farther and farther into the vortex of time. My thoughts flutter uselessly in my head like candle flames in a wind.

Darkness begins falling over my vision when I am yanked into the light. The brightness blinds me, but I can feel a strong band encircle my forearm and draw me back to Neverland. The moment my feet touch the grass, my body is pulled forward until I crash into something solid. I lean my head against the sturdy surface. Every bit of strength has slipped out of my muscles and mind. My heart is pounding in my chest like a fay's beating wings, and my breath catches shallowly in my throat.

"Softly, lovey. Just breathe. I have you."

My shaking body immediately relaxes as James's deep voice vibrates through the air around me. His arm enfolds around my waist, pressing me into his chest. A portion of his strength seems to seep into my spirit. Gently, James wraps his other hand up my back to my neck.

"Thank you," I gasp out. "I was slipping away. There was just emptiness. I was losing everything. Neverland. Myself. You."

James cradles the back of my head, tilting my face up. "Would it have been difficult? To lose me?"

He tries to smile with his customary cockiness, but I can see the doubt in his eyes. Anxiety is carved into the lines around his mouth. I feel his muscles tense against me, and the callused fingers on my neck tremble slightly. His uncertainty finally banishes my last misgiving. Wordlessly, I wind my arm around his neck and pull his face down to mine. The breath seems to have fled from his body while color floods into his cheeks. A flicker of confusion passes through his face, but he holds his silence.

I piece together the last shreds of my courage and inhale deeply. Before I lose my nerve, I rise on my toes and press my mouth against his. The softness of his lips sends a warmth through the center of my being. The rugged, wild sea breeze scent that always clings to his skin fills the air around me. 

James stiffens, his body unresponsive. I can feel my face beginning to burn. Embarrassment creeps up my spine. I have probably wildly misjudged this situation. What could I possibly have been thinking? Clearly, he has no interest in this.

I start to draw back, but James immediately tightens his iron grip and leans forward into me. A deep sound bursts from the back of his throat as he kisses me. I would never have imagined the mouth that could utter such sarcasms would feel so comfortable next to mine. A fire ignites in my soul. All the anger and pain and passion of the last few weeks are released in our embrace. 

James holds me tighter, weaving his fingers through my hair. I grab the front of his shirt and pull him closer. Both of us are fighting to get nearer to each other. Our lips fit together like they were made to touch. Like two steel blades crossing in combat. Like a star in the night sky. Like a storm on the ocean.

Welcome friends,

It finally happened! The moment you've all been waiting for with great anticipation and excitement. Thank you for staying with me! There is only one chapter left in this novel so stay tuned for more!

Fun Fact:

Many animals actually use kissing-like behavior. Dogs sniff and lick potential mates. Elephants put trunks into each other's mouths. Bonobo apes actually do kiss one another on the mouth. They kiss for comfort and to socialise. Sometimes they kiss after a fight to reconcile.

I am hoping to start the sequel book right way. However, I do have to prepare for my 45 hour review for my MFA program which involves memorizing four monologues, doing major character research and writing a ten page paper. I also found that I was selected for showcase today, which means that I will be traveling to LA, NYC and Atlanta with a group of twelve students to audition for casting agencies. While this is very exciting for me, I will be extremely busy for the next year. I appreciate your patience on my extremely slow updates.

With warm regards,

Commodore Caroline

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