Chapter 30: The Forbidden Cove

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Holding up my hand, I motion for the group behind me to halt. Naturally, Peter isn't paying attention. He runs directly into my back, knocking me to the ground. The boys stumble around behind him. Wind glares at Nibs, who throws himself into a thorn bush to avoid hitting her.

"Sorry," Peter apologizes, offering his hand to me.

I roll my eyes and push myself up. Peter shrugs and gestures to his gang to gather in front of us.

"Okay, listen up." I dust my hands on my pants. "You guys are going to stay here and erase our tracks while I clear the cove for us."

"Clear the cove? What's wrong with it?" Peter asks.

"None of your business," I snap. "Wait here. I'll be back soon."

Turning, I walk into the woods towards the Forbidden Cove, the one location on Neverland that I actively avoid. The small, sheltered bay is inhabited primarily by sirens. I hate dealing with the evil water witches, so I usually ask Flicker to take care of them. Without her dust, I'll have to imprison them with magic and send them back to their land later. I curse everyone and everything as I stomp down the path towards the cove. Being around Peter and his brother has clearly had a wonderful effect on my temper.

I'm running through different plans and scenarios in my head when a hand suddenly grabs my shoulder. My reflexes take over automatically. Seizing the person's arm, I flip them over my shoulder and whip out my swords. The boy easily rolls to his feet and spins around to face me.

"Peter!" I exclaim in frustration. "What the bloody hell are you doing here? You were supposed to stay back with the rest of the brainless buffoons!"

Peter shrugs. "I was bored. You don't want me to die of boredom, do you?"

"You may die if you go with me," I retort.

"Fine," he answers. "I'd rather die interested than bored."

"Your choice then. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Sheathing my blades, I walk away with Peter behind me. I can feel his mischievous eyes staring at my back, but I stoically ignore him and continue strategizing.

"So...what's the plan?"

Looking up at the sky, I heave a loud sigh. "Is it physically impossible for him to be quiet for longer than twenty seconds?" The beautiful, sweet sky said nothing. It knows the value of silence.

"I know you've got a plan." Peter nudges me in the side with his elbow. "You've always got a plan."

"I do." I shoot a small smile at Peter. "Do you want to know what it is?"

"Of course!" Peter grins back at me.

"Great!" The smile slides off my face as I push him into the bushes. "Then, stay here and you'll find out. Don't follow me or I'll make our previous tussle look like a gentle love pat."

Jumping into the air, I float a few feet above the ground, savoring Peter's shocked expression before flying away. I only go a short distance before reaching the edge of the Forbidden Cove. I land near the edge of the forest that surrounds the bay. Reaching down, I pull up a poffin plant and plug my ears with it. Slowly, I draw out my swords and wade into the water. Picking up a rock, I toss it deep into the cove. As the ripples wash back up on the shore, three heads silently slip out. The women are beautiful, even more beautiful than the mermaids, but far more dangerous.

Immediately, the sirens begin singing. I can see their dark red lips moving, but the poffin plant blocks my hearing. Raising my blades, I start to cut through a thick vine to release one of my nets. I've almost severed the vine when I notice a flicker of movement at the edge of the forest. A figure emerges from the woods and walks towards the water. The sirens turn away from me and signal to the person to come closer. As he splashes into the bay, I recognize Peter. His eyes are glassy and blank, and his mouth has fallen open in a most unattractive manner.

"I'm going to punch you in the face, you idiot," I mutter under my breath.

The sirens swim towards him, ruining my lovely trap. Running towards Peter, I release a blast of magic, knocking him back to shallower water. One of the sirens stretches out her hand for him.

"Peter, stop it!" I yell, slashing at the siren.

Swiftly, she hisses at me and draws back. Shaking his head, Peter looks at me. A glimmer of intelligence sparks in his eyes. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my leg. Stabbing downwards, I cut the siren who is biting into my calf. As she releases my leg, the other two sirens sink their fangs into my wrists and rip away my swords. 

Unarmed, I face the deadly sirens. Blood drips down my leg and arm. The water around me turns scarlet. Hissing angrily, the three sirens lunge at me. Quickly, I hold up my hands and release a blast of magic, throwing the women back. Drawing a knife from my boot, I toss it at the vine, cutting it in half. A thick net falls over the sirens. They scream in fury as I use my magic to form an impenetrable shielding force around them. Drying my hands off on my tunic, I smile proudly. That will hold them until I can get more fey dust from Flicker.

"Thank the light that's over," I gasp out. Running my hands over my injuries, I start to heal them. "Peter, what were you thinking? Or were you not thinking because you don't have a bloody brain?"

There is no response. Whirling around, I check to see if he is ignoring me. Peter is lying facedown in the water. Still. Unmoving.

Hello readers,

Thank you for following with Jimmy. I'm excited to announce that Flying was awarded the Specialty Awards in the Blue Jay Awards. And don't worry. I promise that Hook will be coming back into the book. We haven't finished with him yet.

Fun Fact:

Sirens originated from Greek mythology. They would lure sailors with enchanting music and singing to shipwreck on the rocks of their island. When Odysseus was sailing back home, he ordered his men to stop their ears, but he had them bind him to the mast so he could listen. Their singing was so beautiful that he wept and begged his men to release him, but they increased their speed to get him out of harm's way. 

I'll see you next week! Wish me luck with my first year of graduate school!

Commodore Caroline

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