⇨23:Mistress or Wife [Minho]

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"Come on!! why are you being like this again! " Minho said raising his voice

"So now is my fault~you have changed Minho" Y/N said

"Y/N you are just being paranoid about it~~It's not a big deal" Minho cooed

"Me being paranoid?? You said you love me but it seem you love her more!!!!" Y/N yelled

"I love you Y/N but did you forget she is still wife and you are only my mistress" Minho said causing her to freeze at her spot

For all this while, Y/N is only mistress to him that he needed love from and nothing else more.

"Well if that's the case~~I don't see why we should still be together" Y/N

"Stop being childish Y/N" Minho said as he ruffled his hair in frustration

"I'm sorry for being childish but I have no choice please" Y/N said before she headed to the door to leave

"Minho you have to choose only one~~~it's either me your mistress or her your wife" Y/N said as she leave Minho's apartment, leaving minho very frustrated

*End of Flashback *

It has been 5 months since the last time Y/N have seen Minho. He didn't even came to her to tell her his final answer and Y/N knew who is he going to choose now. She have given up her hopes on Minho and rubbed her 7 months swollen belly.

"Baby, it's OK not have daddy as long as you have mummy will do" Y/N said softly to her baby bump

Y/N actually wanted to tell Minho about it when she was at his apartment last time but judging on the fight they have, she think it's for the best not to tell him.
Y/N decided to go out and walked at a nearby park to take her mind off on her thoughts about minho.

While at the park, she see small kids playing at the playground having fun while their parents sit by the side and watch them play, this make her happy as in the future, her baby get older, she play with her baby at the playground too. Suddenly she seen someone who she didn't want to see anymore, it was Minho and his wife walking hand in hand in the park looking happy but this broke Y/N alot and tears started flowing out of her eyes.

Minho looked up and he was shocked to see Y/N in front of him but he couldn't go to her as his wife is still with him. Y/N immediately walked away quickly as she could not run due to her pregnancy. Minho just see her character slowly disappeared from his sight.

Y/N on the other hand, started crying when she went into her apartment. She can't believe Minho will choose his wife over her and his unborn child.

<A few days later>

It has been a few days since Y/N encounter Minho at the park and since then she didn't even stepped out the house and she still feel broken by Minho. Suddenly she heard her doorbell rang, she got up from her bed and went to opened the door without seeing who is it. But when she opened it, she was shocked to see Minho here, she wanted to closed the door but Minho pushed his hand at the door preventing it from closing.

Minho entered her apartment and closed the door shut, Y/N slowly backed away as minho kept approaching her. The next thing she knew minho rushed towards her and held her by the waist and Y/N kept looking down.

"Y/N ah, look at me" Minho said but she kept looking down

Minho lifted her chin and made eye contact for a while before he placed his lips on hers. Y/N was shocked and didn't know what to do even though she missed his lips but what he done was tol much for her to handle so she immediately pushed him away.

"W-What are you doing here? " She stuttered

"To visit my jagi and my unborn child" Minho said

"I'm not your jagi anymore and how do you know this baby is your? I could have slept with other guys" She said and minho rolled his eyes

"Come on ~you didn't officially break up yet and how could you possibly be pregnant with other guys baby within five months and more or less how your bamy bump be so big please" Minho said

Minho held her by the waist again and gently caressed her baby bump while smiling.

"Y/N let's start over? " Minho suggested

"Why should I? You look happy with your wife" Y/N said

"Please Y/N~Don't be like that" Minho begged

"What is your answer? " Y/N asked

"Huh? " Minho said

"You have to choose one only" She said

"Its either your wife or Me and your baby" Y/N continued

To be continued.......

The ending of this imagine, you can imagine what will happened next and how it will end

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