⇨64:Atelophobia [Chan]

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Atelophobai: Fear of not being good enough/being imperfect

Y/n stood in front of the mirror in her walk-in closet that she shared with her boyfriend of 4 years, Bang Chan.

Bang Chan also known as Chan is the leader of Stray Kids who debuted under JYP Entertainment. He is sweet and caring leader to his group and he is also the same to his girlfriend Y/n.

Currently Chan is on his world tour with his group for about 2 weeks which leave Y/n alone in their shared apartment.

Y/n stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself while squeezing out all of her body fats around her body. Y/n is very insecure about her figure, comparing herself with other women who she think is more beautiful and slimmer than her.Sometimes she wonder why Chan love her instead of other women since they are all better than her.

Looking at her figure, she decided to go on a diet to make herself slimmer during the period where Chan is not around since he wouldn't let her go on a diet because he love her just the way she is.

<2 weeks later>

It has been 2 weeks since Y/n went on a diet to become slimmer. It did work a little since some of her body fats are mostly gone but there is some that are still there and it may take sometimes to be gone.

Also Y/n's boyfriend Chan will be coming back from his tour today and Y/n was very excited about since she missed her boyfriend so much.


Y/n is currently in her shared bedroom, preparing to go to sleep when suddenly she heard the main door opening and she knew Chan is back so she quickly went out of her room and she saw Chan taking off his shoes.

"Channie!!!! " Y/n said as she went to hug Chan and he hugged back

"I thought you are asleep at this
hour" Chan said as they pulled back

"I was about to when I heard you opening the door~~Also I missed you" Y/n said

"I missed you too" Chan said he oeck her lips

Y/n went to take his luggage and bring it into their room so she could helped to unpacked it since Chan maybe tired after his flight back. While Chan walked behind Y/n back to their room, he noticed Y/n is much more slimmer than usual so he suddenly have the thoughts on her dieting since she told him before that she didn't like how she look.

When Y/n started to unpacked his luggage, Chan decided to ask her about it.

"Y/n jagi, have you been dieting when I'm not around? Because you look slimmer than usual? " Chan asked concern and Y/n frozed

"Channie I don't like me having so much body fats " Y/n said

"But you look perfect to me " Chan said

"But I'm nothing compared to those pretty girls out there " Y/n said and Chan back hug her

"Don't compare yourself with other girls, because I love you just the was you are" Chan said

"Really?? " Y/n said and Chan nodded

"Anyway I am going to take a shower and after I am done, I am going to cook supper and you will have to finish everything I cook" Chan said as he let go of her and went to their walk-in closet to get his clothes

"But I will gain weight" Y/n said

"That's the point~I want my chubby Y/n to be chubby again and you are lucky because manager gave us 2 weeks break and I will make sure you will become chubby again" Chan said as he proceed to their shared bathroom and Y/n just shooked her head before continuing unpacking his luggages

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