⇨63:Stepbrother Pt 7 [Jisung]

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<Time Skip>

After Y/n have did all her errands, she went back home straight because she miss her baby Jinhwan and Jisung too.

When she got home, she went to her room straight to see whether are they there but no so she went to Jisung's room to see Jisung is asleep while Jinhwan is trying to crawl closer towards his daddy.

Y/n climbed into his bed, carrying Jinhwan and placing on her chest before she started to disturb the sleeping Jisung by tickling him.

"Jinhwannie let daddy sleep for a while" Jisung said in his sleep

"Wow~Jisung ah, does only Jinhwan matter to you till you forget about me" Y/n said sarcastically and Jisung immediately opened his eyes and turned towards Y/n

"Y/n baby, you are back now " Jisung said and he turned to side hug her

"Did Jinhwan behave himself while I'm not around? " Y/n asked

"Of course he did because I'm his daddy" Jisung said and Y/n chuckled before silence take over

"Y/n ah" Jisung said after a while of silence

"Hmmmm? " Y/n said

"You know I love you right" Jisung said and Y/n nodded

"Will you marry me? " Jisung proposed and Y/n widened her eyes

"B-But what about our parents? " Y/n asked

"They are the one telling me to marry you since they find out that Jinhwan is our son and plus they want more grandchildren " Jisung said

"For grandchildren, they don't be getting so early" Y/n said

"Answer my question baby" Jisung whined

"Of course I will marry you Jisung" Y/n said and Jisung kissed her lips happily

"Thanks baby" Jisung said and Y/n smiled before they cuddled together with Jinhwan

<1 years Later>

Jisung and Y/n got married like what their parents said. They moved out from Jisung's dad house into their own home which Jisung's dad gave them as a wedding gift and it was quite near to where their parents is staying since they wanted to see them and Jinhwan more often.

Jisung is about to graduate from college and soon will be working at his dad's company while Y/n stayed at home to take care of Jinhwan and being a housewife since this is what Jisung wanted.

On the other hand, Jinhwan is already 1 years and a half months old and he started to learn how to talk slightly plus he's also still learning walking but he like to be carry by Y/n and especially Jisung.

[Their home]

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[Their home]

Currently it is night time about 10pm, Jinhwan is staying over at their parents' house for a few days since they wanted to spend some times with their grandson, bringing him out.

Y/n will miss her son a lot while Jisung will also miss him but not much since he wanted to spend some alone time with Y/n.

Jisung being his needy self now, he currently enjoyed himself now with the help of his lovely wife Y/n because now they are both too occupied of doing it.

"Aaahhh Yes" Jisung said

"Oh my god" Y/n said

[A/n:Don't hate me for writing this though ]

"Thank god Jinhwan is not around or he will interrupt us " Jisung said and Y/n smacked his chest

"Yah!! He's your son" Y/n said

"I know~Even though I love him so much, he will interrup us and we can't continue " Jisung said

"But still--" Jisung cut her off by placing a finger on her lips

"Let's continue and talk later" Jisung said before they continue


"That was fun" Jisung said as he pulled Y/n into his embrace

"I know right" Y/n said

"When are you going to give me another child baby? " Jisung asked

"Why? " Y/n asked

"I want to squirt inside of you " Jisung said

"Excuse me Mister~I think you forget that you have been squirting inside me for the past few months" Y/n said

"Oh I forgot" Jisung said as he remembered it

"You don't have to wait anymore because we are having one on the way" Y/n said and Jisung widened his eyes

"W-Wait~You're pregnant and I am going to be a dad again?? " Jisung asked carefully and Y/n nodded

"Oh my god!!!! Thanks baby" Jisung said excitedly as he kiss around her face while hugging her

"How long are you? " Jisung asked

"I'm going to be 2 months pregnant now" Y/n said

Jisung's hand slowly trailed down to her not so obvious bump and began caressing it.

"Thanks baby~I will love you forrver" Jisung said

"I love you too Jisung" Y/n said and they shared a passionate kiss together

Now they can't wait to tell their parents and Jinhwan that they are going to have another child and they are going to be both grandparents and an older brother.

That's the end for "Stepbrother"

See you guys in "Heart Of My Wolf"

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