⇨83:Serenity [Woojin]

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(N.) A wonderful feeling of being calm, peaceful and untrouble


Y/n POV.
Oh My God!!! They are fighting again. My parents have been fighting and quarrelling again over small issues. It happened all the time, I am sick and tired of them. I want to live in peace and quiet not everyday very noisy because of them.

But now their argument is the most heated one because my mum smell some lady's perfume on my dad and thinking that my dad is cheating on her so both now are arguing badly.



I sat on my bed as I cupped my ears with both my hands. I want to escape from this house where I don't even know whether should I call this my house anymore because it doesn't feel like it anymore.

But if I run away from here, where should I go?

I think it will just go anywhere that I can find the perfect place where it is peaceful, calm and make me feel untroubled.

I got up of bed and started to pack my things to leave this place. I packed some clothes and shoes, my wallet with money that can last me for some times, my basic necessities like toothbrush, my charger and most importantly, my phone.

I changed into some comfortable clothes before writing a letter to my parents that I am leaving and hope that they won't find me, placing it on my desk and then grabbing my bag.

I walked towards my window, opened it as I climbed onto it and left my room by  jumping out of the window. It was safe to do so since my house is two storey.


After walking for like 15 minutes, Y/n was far away from her house and at the midst of nowhere now.

Now most importantly that Y/n have to find a place to settle in first before she could continue her journey to find a place somewhere that suits her needs.

While walking, Y/n suddenly tripped over a rock and fell down. She felt her ankle hurt a lot so she think that she sprained her ankle.

Y/n did not know what to do since she is in the midst of nowhere, suddenly she heard a manly voice behind me. She turned to see a man who looked like he was in his early 20s.

"Miss are you OK? Why are you doing here so late at night? It's quite dangerous here" He said as he crouched down beside her

"I think I sprained my ankle" Y/n said and he went to take a look

"It looked kind of sprain but you haven't answer my question yet~Why are you here? " He asked

"I ran away from home because it's complicated and doesn't feel peaceful there so I ran away to find a place that is a peaceful, calm and can make me feel untroubled " Y/n explained

"Looks like I am not alone then" He said and Y/n looked at him confused

"My situation is like yours, I also run away from home because it doesn't feel right anymore so I went to find a place like you mentioned and it was perfect for me, peaceful and calm so I have been living there for 2 years now" He said

"Do you want to live with me? Since I am guessing you dont have a place to stay now' He asked

"Yes please" Y/n said quietly

"What's your name? " He asked

"Y/n L/n" Y/n said

"I'm Kim Woojin" Woojin said with a smile

"Come on, get on my back~~let's get you to my place to treat your ankle before I turned bad" Woojin said and Y/n got onto his back

Soon Woojin started walking to his place with Y/n on his back.

"You don't mind that it is a place far from the city and there is 8 other people living with me?" Woojin asked and Y/n shooked her head

"As long as it is peaceful, calm and can make me feel untroubled~~I will be happy enough to live there " Y/n said as they both left the city to a place that can make them feel what they wanted


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