⇨82:Broken Without You Pt 7 [Changbin]

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>>Meanwhile In Korea<<

After Changbin landed in Korea, he immediately went straight to his parents house to see them because he hasn't seen them for quite sometimes as he was in Los Angeles taking care of his lovely Y/n and unborn son.

After 20 minutes later, Changbin reached his parents' house. He took his luggages with him and went towards the door, pressed the doorbell and waited for them to opened the door.

A minute later, the door opened and it revealed Changbin's mum.

"Hi mum" Changbin said as he went towards her and hug her

"Oh my lovely son, you are back~ Y/n didn't came back with you? " His mum asked

"No I came back to settle some stuff then I will go back Los Angeles " Changbin said and they released the hug

"Come in already" His mum said

Changbin took his luggage and went in, he placed his luggage at a corner before going to the living room where his dad is and sitting on the couch.

"Oh Changbin you are back, how's Y/n and the baby? " His dad said

"They are both good and healthy" Changbin said

"You know what you two are having? " His mom asked

"A boy and we decided to name him Kyungwon" Changbin said proudly

"That's great~I can't wait to see him and she will be giving birth in a months time right? " His mum said and Changbin nodded

"After you settle your stuffs, go back quickly because it is quite crucial now as she might give birth anytime " His mum said

"But I thought she will give birth after 9 months? " Changbin asked confused

"No dear~If the baby decided to come early, she might give birth earlier, every women is different and it depends too" His mum explained

"I think I better settle it quickly then I will go back" Changbin said

"About that, you need to settle what? " His dad asked

"Emm..... I am going back to JYP tomorrow to terminate my contract " Changbin said and his parents look shocked

[A/N: Did you guess correctly?]

"Are you sure about that? I thought you always want to be an idol? Are you willing to let go of it?" His dad asked

"Yes Y/n needs me and Kyungwon will be coming soon, I want to be by their side not working long hours as an idol" Changbin said

"Are you sure that you won't regret your decision? I don't want you in the future blame Y/n because you can't be an idol anymore" His mum asked carefully

"Yes I think about it quite a lot of times already " Changbin reassure them

"Then I respect your decision and since you are not going to be an idol anymore, when do you want to take over my company? " His dad asked

"Not anytime soon~I want to spend my time with Y/n and Kyungwon" Changbin said

"OK~let me know when you want to " His dad said and he nodded

"When are you going to marry Y/n then? You two have been together for quite long already plus your son will be coming soon" His mum asked

"Maybe after she give birth to kyungwon, I will propose to her" Changbin said

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