⇨38:Good Hands [Seungmin]

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Y/n have been dating her boyfriend, Seungmin for 4 years now and he is the sweetest guy that Y/n have ever met. He is kind, caring, thoughtful, considerate and also very handsome too.

But little did she know that Seungmin will have to leave her soon and her mum have an announcement for her which she won't accept it.

"Y/n come to the living room now, I have something important to tell you" Y/n's mum yelled from the living room and Y/n groaned while getting up since she don't want to leave her comfy bed

"What is it mum? " Y/n asked as she walked into the kitchen

"Me and father arranged you in marraige with our friend's son Hyunjin " Her mum said and she frozed

"Mum I have a boyfriend " Y/n said

"I'm sorry but this marriage must happened" Her mum and Y/n immediately went to her room to grabbed her phone and wallet before heading out of the house

After she left her house, she immediately went to call Seungmin out to meet her at their first date location which is the park. 10 minutes later, Y/n saw Seungmin walking towards, she got up from the bench and went to hugged him and sobbed quietly. Seungmin just let her cry on him as he patted her back to calm her down and a few minutes later, Y/n began to calm down.

"What's wrong Jagi? " Seungmin asked in a concern tone

"S-Seungmin my parents arranged me in marriage but I don't want it, I want to be with you" Y/n said as her voice cracked but somehow Seungmin felt relieved

"Who are you marrying to? " Seungmin asked as he let go of her

"H-Hyunjin" Y/n said and Seungmin felt even more relieved

"Obey your parent'a wish and marry him then" Seungmin said and Y/n stare at him with wide eye

"Why are you saying this Seungmin? Do you want me to marry someone else? " Y/n asked as she felt her heart break

"I have reasons but it's not the right time to tell you~~Can you spent the remaining time with me before you marry him? " Seungmin asked and she nodded

"OK but I'm marrying for your sakes so don't forget about me" Y/n said

"Never in a million years I will ever forget you" Seungmin said as they hugged

For the rest of the time, Seungmin and Y/n just stayed together before Seungmin sent her back home and went home to find Hyunjin. But just nice when he enter their house, he saw Hyunjin sitting on the couch while watching tv and he went to sit beside him.

"I heard you are going to marry Y/n soon" Seungmin said while starting the conversation

"Ya but I am considering to call off it since Y/n is your girlfriend " Hyunjin said

"No~Continue with the marriage Hyung" Seungmin said which surprises Hyunjin and he turned to look at Seungmin

"Why? She is your girlfriend" Hyunjin asked

"I will be leaving soon~My wish is to make sure there is someone to take place to take care of her but now knowing it is you, I can trust her with you" Seungmin said

"L-Leaving? Seungmin where are you going? " Hyunjin asked

"It's not the right time to say" Seungmin said and he nodded

"Make sure you treat her well and take good care of her " Seungmin said

"I will" Hyunjin said and Seungmin's loads on his shoulder is lifted


1 month have passed quickly, Y/n and Hyunjin are already married to each other recently. During their wedding ceremony, Seungmin was present and he felt happy and relieved that Y/n is in good hands of his Hyunjin and he trusts Hyunjin that he will be good to her.

Y/n is still sad that she and Seungmin can't be together since she is already now Hyunjin's wife but she tried to think it in a positive way since this is what Seungmin wants.

Actually both Y/n along with the others do not know why Seungmin made this decision but Hyunjin knew that he will being leaving soon. Well Seungmin is actually dying soon because he is now suffering from cancer and he does not have much time left so he wants Y/n to settled down before he leave her.


Y/n is now brisk walking towards a hospital room where she notified that Seungmin is in and he wanted to see her. She is worried on what happen to him even though she is Hyunjin's wife but her heart is forever with Seungmin.

"Seungmin what happened to you? " Y/n asked worriedly as she walked into room to see Seungmin have a lot of wires connecting to his body

"You made it Y/n" Seungmin said weakly and Y/n sat beside him

"What happened? " Y/n asked as tears threatened to fall

"I'm dying Y/n~I'm suffering from  cancer, I don't have much time left so that why I want you to marry Hyunjin" Seungmin said and Y/n was shocked

"You were already suffering from it when we are together but why did you hide from me? " Y/n asked as a tear slipped down her face

"If I told you, you will be devastated so I think telling you after you marry Hyunjin is the best choice" Seungmin said and tears are flowing out of her eyes

"Y/n this 4 years we had together was great, I never regretted being with you but life seem short and I have leave you soon~~I have a favour for you which is when I died, I just want go be buried peacefully without any funeral or what and if you are kind enough, visit me at my grave every year at my death anniversary. Lastly, if you ever fall in love with Hyunjin, leave a small place in heart for me" Seungmin said and Y/n could not control her emotion

"OK I promise Seungmin " Y/n sobbed and Seungmin smiled

"Can I have a last kiss with you? " Seungmin asked

Y/n wasted no time and immediately placed her lips onto his, giving him their last kiss before he go.

"If we could live again, I will marry you and have our kids before I died and hopefully we can be together forever. Take care of yourself, I will missed you and I love you jagi" Seungmin said before his eyes started to closed

Soon the monitor that is connecting to him, shows a straight line which means he is gone to a better place now. Y/n grabbed his lifeless hand and held it close to her.

"Seungmin ah, we will meet very soon so wait for me~~I hide this from everyone including you, I am suffering from stage 4 brain cancer and I'm dying in few days times or less. I thought I will be the one going to leave first but turned out to be you~~Oppa wait for me, I'm joining you soon and we can soon live the lives we always wanted and have 4 kids like you wanted " Y/n said

"I love you Seungmin Oppa~My heart and soul will always belonged to you and no one can take that away" Y/n continued

Y/n kissed the back of his lifeless hand before she fell into darkness beside his lifeless body meaning that Y/n just passed beside seungmin because of brain cancer. A couple like them is meant to together forever, they will be alive together or dead together but one of them died a few minutes earlier than the next person.

Even though Y/n left Hyunjin to be a widower but Hyunjin could find his own happiness of his own without her around. Seungmin and Y/n will also be together forever for how long their future journey is now.

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