⇨62:Stepbrother Pt 6 [Jisung]

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<3 months later>

Both Y/n's mum and Jisung's dad came back from their vacation about 3 months ago. Jisung and Y/n have been more closer to each other again after they made up with each other, they also have been taking care of Jinhwan together like how they actually should.

Their parents are quite happy that they are getting along with each other but didn't they know that their relationship is more than that.

College was also starting for them since the summer break are over, it just passed by with a blink of an eye. Y/n decided to not to go college so she could stay at home to take care of their son since she didn't want to have a nanny or her mum to take care of him since it's her child, she will take responsibility for it.

They respected her decision for it so Jisung's father recommend home school for her since she wanted to take care of Jinhwan and it will be much convenient for her. Y/n indeed took his consideration and now she is homeschool while Jisung went back to college.

On the other hand, Jisung broke up with his girlfriend after finding out she have been cheating on him with another guy when he found her fucking another in school. Jisung didn't care about the break up at all since his heart currently belong to Y/n only and he told Y/n that he will stay fateful to her and Jinhwan so ignore all the girls in school.

Jisung is also getting used to fatherhood now, he took care of Jinhwan when Y/n is busy or went out and he spent most of his times with Jinhwan instead of going out to party. Jisung's father is glad that his son is not causing any more troubles or going out to party and he think having a baby in the house keeps him occupy since he know his son love babies alot.


"Y/n I'm home" Jisung shouted once he enter the house

"In my room" Y/n shouted back and Jisung went up to her room

When he got up to her room, he saw Y/n carrying Jinhwan who just woke up from his nap and he went towards them.

"Aigoo Jinhwannie" Jisung said as he caressed his head

"Hi baby" Jisung greeted Y/n and he pecked her on the lips

Jisung sat down his bag on the floor before he carry jinhwan from Y/n's arms.

"How's my baby doing? " Jisung said and he kissed his chubby cheeks

"He was quite grumpy before he went to bed and he refused to drink his milk" Y/n said

"But has he drank his milk yet? " Jisung asked and Y/n shooked her head

"Why so grumpy baby? Come daddy feed you" Jisung said and Y/n went to take his milk bottle and handed it to Jisung

Jisung went to sit on her bed and prop Jinhwan properly before he started feeding Jinhwan. Y/n went to sit beside Jisung as he fed Jinhwan his milk and Jinhwan peacefully drink his milk.

"Now he isn't grumpy anymore, just before he was super grumpy" Y/n said

"Maybe after his nap, it calm him down" Jisung said and Y/n nodded as she placed her head at his shoulder

"Y/n can I ask you something? " Jisung asked

"Ask away" Y/n said

"I want a daughter next" Jisung said and her eyes widened

"What? It's too early now plus Jinhwan is only 4 months old" Y/n said

"Why?? I want a daughter..... " Jisung pouted

"Too early Jisung" Y/n said

"Fine but you have to satisfied my needs till you give a daughter" Jisung smirked

"Okok~anything you like" Y/n said in defeat and Jisung smiled as he kissed her lips


???? POV.
"Do you think Jisung and Y/n are getting a bit too close to each other? " A female voice said

"Yes~I noticed it too" A male voice said

"I think you take a look at this document " He said as he handed her an orange envelope

"What is this? " She asked

" DNA test result" He said

"It shown that Jisung is the biological father of Jinhwan and it's 99.9999% confirm that they are blood-related" He continued and she looked shocked as she read the paper

"How can this be? " She asked in disbelief

"I guess they have date before and Jisung got her pregnant " He explained

"But why Jisung left her alone when she is pregnant? " She asked

"For this, we can't make guesses so we have to ask him " He said

"Why didn't he tell us? " She said

"I don't know so we should just ask him" He said and she nodded

[A/n:Can you guess who is the 'he' and 'she']


<A few days later>

Jisung was in his room taking care of Jinhwan since Y/n went out to do some errands and when Jisung was playing his Jinhwan, he heard his dad called him down.

"Jisung come down for a moment " His dad called

"Coming" Jisung said as he carried Jinhwam down with him

After he went down, he saw his dad and Y/n's mum in the living room and he sat opposite of them.

"Jisung we have some questions to ask you" His dad said

"Ask away then" Jisung said

"Is Jinhwan your son?" His dad asked and Jisung frozed at his question,not answering his dad

"He is right that's why you are not answering back? I did a DNA test between you and Jinhwan by taking some of your samples " His dad said and he just looked down at his son since everything is exposed

"Why didn't you tell us from the start? And why did you leave Y/n when she was pregnant with him? " His dad asked

"I didn't know she was pregnant then~she didn't tell me " Jisung said while looking down

"You were dating her right? How come you didn't know? " Y/n's mum asked

"Because I left her before she could tell me about it" Jisung said as his voice dropped

"You punk~I didn't teach you to be a jerk" His dad said

"I'm sorry about it but I changed for her already" Jisung said.

"That's good and we could tell too" Y/n's mum said

"Then what are you both watiting for? Get married to each other then" His dad said

"What!!!! " Jisung exclaimed

"Is there a problem? Or you don't love her? " His dad asked

"No dad " Jisung said

"Get married soon then" His dad said and Jisung nodded in defeat

"We want more grandchildren in the future" Y/n's mum said while clapping her hands and Jisung shooked his head

After talking to their parents, Jisung went back to his room with Jinhwan. He laid Jinhwan on the bed while he lay beside him watching him trying to crawl as he caressed his head.

"Jinhwannie daddy and mummy will get married soon and we can be a happy family now" Jisung said and Jinhwan just stare him while smiling

"Stepbrother" imagine will be coming to an end soon and the last part will be published soon.

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