⇨65:Heart Of My Wolf Pt 2 [Minho]

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<Recess Time>

Y/n and Lily are now in the cafeteria, eating their meal while chatting about random things.

"How's the new boy in your class? " Lily asked

"Fine and he sit beside me during class" Y/n said as she took a bite from her food

"Oh my god~You're so lucky, I definitely ship you two" Lily said and Y/n gave her a 'are you kidding me' look

"What's his name? " Lily asked

"Lee Minho" Y/n said

"Oh~that's name sound awfully familiar? Wait.." Lily said as she took out her phone from her pocket and started searching something on her phone

"Does he look like this? " Lily asked as she show me a picture of Minho

"Does he look like this? " Lily asked as she show me a picture of Minho

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"How did you get his picture???? " Y/n asked

"Oh he is my boyfriend's friend" Lily said and Y/n widened her eyes

"You have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me" Y/n asked in disbelief

"Sorry but I need to tell you a secret and don't tell anyone" Lily said

"Actually my boyfriend is not a human but a werewolf and I am his mate" Lily said

"Wait... What?? " Y/n said

"My boyfriend is the alpha of the pack, meaning I am the Luna and plus Minho is in his pack " Lily said

"So Minho is a werewolf? " Y/n asked and Lily nodded

"Don't ask him directly about it~Just wait till he tell you" Lily said and Y/n nodded

"I hope you are his mate so we both could be in the same pack" Lily said and Y/n gave her a wtf look

"Have your boyfriend asked you to have his pups? " Y/n said avoiding the topic and Lily blushed

"A-Actually Yes but he said that we should maybe wait till I finish school" Lily said

"Do you live with him? " Y/n asked and Lily nodded

"Our whole pack lived together in a very big house in the woods, it's well hidden too" Lily said

"Then won't you get lost while going through the woods? " Y/n asked

"No~One of his pack member will escort me back, he will wait outside the woods for me" Lily said

After they finished their meal, they went to put back their utensils before they bid goodbyes to each other and returning to their individual classroom. While walking back, Y/n felt someone pulling her to the corner of the wall that no one can been seen from there and she looked to see who is it, it was Minho.

"M-Minho what are you doing? " Y/n asked as Minho held her waist

"Hi babe" Minho said as he lean in and kiss her on her cheeks

"Ya! What if people see us? " Y/n said as she looked around

"Relax~No one will see us" Minho said as he continued to kiss Y/n all over her face

Y/n just stood there letting Minho kiss her, she wanted to push him away but her body say otherwise so she just let Minho show his little affection to her. After a while later, the bell rang~Y/n pushed Minho away from her and she make sure she looks fine.

"Babe~" Minho whined as he hug her

"M-Minho class is starting ~ let's go back and lets don't walk together or they will get misunderstood " Y/n said as she push Minho off her

"Anything for you babe~I will walk closer behind you" Minho said and Y/n began walking back to class

After a few minutes later, Y/n reached back to class and got seated at her seat while Minho came in 1 minute after her. Soon everyone starts to settled down at their seats as the teacher came into class.

Halfway through the class, their teacher announced that there will be a project coming up.

"Class there will be a project coming up and you will be doing it in pairs" Their teacher said

"Teacher can we choose our own partners " One of their classmate, Izzy asked and everyone got excited

"No~I will choose it for you" Their teacher said and everyone began to sigh

"And your partners will be the person sitting beside you" Their teacher said and some of them got happy

"Hi partner! " Minho said as he elbowed Y/n while smiling

Y/n just ignored him and placed her on the table and began sleeping for the rest of the class.

<Time Skip>

Y/n was having her peaceful sleep when suddenly she felt someone poking her and she looked up to see Minho.

"What do you want Minho? " Y/n said while rubbing her eyes

"Come on~Everyone went for gym class already" Minho said as he pulled up her

"I don't want to go" Y/n said whining

"Then let's skip gym class and do something more interesting " Minho said as he pulled Y/n with him to the rooftop

"Minho where are we going? " Y/n asked

Soon both of them reached the rooftop, Minho locked the door so no one can come up to the rooftop and he pulled her to corner where no one can see what they are doing.

"Minho why are we up here? " Y/n asked

"Since you don't want to go gym class, why not the spend our time to have some fun" Minho smirked and Y/n widened her eyes

"No!!!! " Y/n exclaimed

"Why baby? Don't you get how much I love you?" Minho said as he wrapped his arms around her waist

"B-But--" Y/n was cut off by Minho

"Come on babe~I want to be your only one for you to love " Minho said and Y/n blushed

"Eyy my babe is blushing" Minho teased and Y/n buried her face on Minho's chest

"So cute~" Minho said

"Come on babe~Minho said

"Such a flirt" Y/n said as she playfully smacked his chest

"I am your one and only flirt" Minho said and Y/n blushed again

"Let's have our time alone before the next class starts " Minho said before he started kissing Y/n 

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