⇨66:Soulmates [Felix]

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When a person turned at age of 18, your soulmate's name initials will appeared on your wrist. Once it appeared, you could feel what are they feeling and when both of them meet each other, the name initials on their wrists will disappeared and their arms will appeared a new tattoo.

Everyone and soulmates' tattoo will be different and unique from others because it symbolise a meaning where only both of them will understand.


When Y/n turned 18 on her birthday a few years ago, her soulmate's name initial appeared on her wrists and soon she started feeling what her soulmate feel. She was very curious on when will she meet him.

Currently Y/n was busy thinking about him when suddenly a pair of hand clapped in front of her face which startled her and she looked to see her co-worker Lisa in front of her.

"Busy thinking about him again" Lisa asked as she wiggled her brows

"H-How did you know? " Y/n asked

"You always daydream about him Y/n" Lisa said

"Y/n stop daydream about him~When the time comes, you both will meet each other like how me and soulmate meet each other a year ago after I waited about 2 years " Lisa said

"Fine but I can't help myself if I want to daydream about him" Y/n said and Lisa giggled


"Bye Y/n~See you next monday" Lisa said as she waved goodbye to Y/n before getting into the car of her boyfriend

"Bye Lisa" Y/n said as she wave back before walking off

It was late at night around 9pm, Y/n was walking home since her house wasn't that far from where she worked and she didn't want to waste money taking any transport home. While walking, there wasn't a lot of people there but only a few drunkards and she felt some cold breeze hit her neck.

Suddenly she heard some people talking at the dark alley ahead of her so being curious, she went to take a peek. She hid behind the wall as she peek to see what is happening there, she saw two man, one with black and the other had orange blonde hair with 3 guys dressed in black.

"Here's the drugs you wanted Mr Lee" The man with black hair said as he handed a case to the man called Mr Lee

"Thanks you Mr Bang" Mr Lee said as he handed the case to the guys in black behind him

Both of them shooked their hands before the man with black hair started to walked away and soon it ended, Y/n started walking away from the wall home since there is nothing to listen now.

As Y/n walked past the dark alley, the man with orange blonde hair noticed her, he walked quickly towards her as his men walked away with the case. Once he catch up with her, he grabbed her arm and turn her around facing him and Y/n widened her eyes once he saw him.

Just before the man wanted to speak, both of them felt a burning sensation on their arms so the man with orange blonde hair let go of her. At the same time, both of them pulled up their sleeves and saw their soulmates' name initials was gone and replaced with a new tattoos on their arms.

After the new tattoos appeared, they looked at each other's arm and noticed their tattoos are exactly the same and that's when they realised they are each other's soulmates.

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