⇨52:Surrogate Pt 6 [Changbin]

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<4 months later>

4 months passed by quickly and Y/n will be soon giving birth to their little girl. Within this period of time, Eunbi never bothered them like she said after her breakup with Changbin and also Changbin proposed to her shortly after the break up. Y/n immediately agreed to his proposal and they gotten married 1 month after since Changbin is eager to marry her in as his wife.

Now Changbin is in hospital with Y/n, preparing for her to give birth to their little girl. Y/n is just laying on the hospital bed in pain due to contractions and the doctor and nurses are waiting for her to be diluted before she can give birth.

"How are you feeling Jagi? " Changbin asked as he caressed her hair while he sat beside her by the bed

"Terrible and painful" Y/n said

"You are just 5cm diluted, I guess you need to wait till you are 10cm before you can push her out plus I think she is eager to come out soon" Changbin said

"I just want her out as soon as possible so I can get some sleep properly " Y/n said and Changbin chuckled

"She is a rascal isn't she? " Changbin said

"Like you" Y/n said and Changbin laughed

<A few hours later>

Y/n was fully diluted and was already to push the baby out of her. Changbin accompanied her into the theatre and sat by her and watch her give birth.

Since it was Y/n first time giving birth, it is quite difficult for her to push and Changbin held her hand and comfort her till an hour later, their little girl finally out of her. After the doctor cut the umbilical cord, Y/n was pushed back to her hospital room for her to rest.

Changbin sat at the chair by her bed as he watches her sleep while waiting for his little girl to brought to them. Changbin held her hand while he removed her hair which is blocking her face.

"Jagi ah, you have worked hard" Changbin said

A while later, the door suddenly opened and it revealed a nurse bringing in their little girl. The nurse pushed the baby cart next to Changbin before she leaves the room. He saw his daughter awake with her tiny eyes open, he began caressing her.

"Baby ah, daddy is here" Changbin said as he caressed her

"You have been a little rascal in mummy's tummy, not letting mummy rest properly" Changbin said as he poke her small face

Changbin then carried her out of the tub and into his arms. He began rocking her in his arms as he looked at her and his daughter looked at him back while moving her arms slightly which Changbin thinks it is cute.

"Aigoo~You're really cute like mummy" Changbin said

Soon later, Changbin noticed that Y/n is going to wake up.

"Baby, mummy is awake now" Changbin said to his daughter

"Jagi you are awake " Changbin said to Y/n who is awake now and she smiled

"Our daughter" Changbin said as he passed their daughter to Y/n

"I was just telling her that she is a little rascal inside of you, not letting you rest properly " Changbin said

"She was a little rascal inside me but we never know will she be a rascal like you now" Y/n said

"Hey!" Changbin whined and Y/n laughed

"Anyway thanks for bearing her for me even though you are supposed to bear it for me and that woman" Changbin said and Y/n smiled

"I love you jagi and our little girl" Changbin said as he pecked her forehead before caressing his daughter

"Love you too" Y/n said

That's the end for "Surrogate"

See you guys in the next imagine "Stepbrother"


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