⇨46:Crowned King Pt 7

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<5 months later>

Throughout this 5 months, Prince Hyunjin visited Y/n and their child couple times. He was relieved that they are fine living here since the ruler was her aunt and he was happy too because they are doing well.

Y/n was already 6 months pregnant, her baby bump was quite obvious now and she have been wondering what will be the gender of the baby. She started thinking it will be a girl but Prince Hyunjin always tell her that it will be a boy everytime he came to visit her.

Hyunjin POV.
Currently now I am going to visit Y/n and our unborn child at the place where she is currently staying which is the woods. I was quite shocked when Y/n told me that the ruler of the dangerous people living the woods was someone in her family.

When the first time going there, I was quite scared that I might die there but I was wrong. The hunters and tribal people there was getting friendly with me each time I went so there is nothing to be afraid off. I don't get why my father and the people in my kingdom never wants to stepped in there but it's better this way so no one will find Y/n.

For my marriage with Princess Nari, it way terrible. She was more obsessed with me than me and my brothers thought it would be, she is starting to get on my nerve because she is damm annoying plus she is a creeper. I tried to delayed everything in this marriage from happening with my brother's help since they can't stand her too but luckily It worked. But I didn't told them that I knew Y/n was, otherwise they will tell father and I will have to bring her back.

Back to Y/n, soon I reached the foot of the woods, the hunter who normally guide me in the woods stood there guarding the place like usual but once he saw me, he smiled at me.

"Here to see Miss Y/n again? " He asked and I nodded

He started guiding me into the woods to the village while they are staying at. After we reached the village, I bid bye to him since he will return to the foot of the woods to guard again so I just went towards the house Y/n is currently staying. After coming here a couple of times, I became friendlier with the people here especially the ruler who is Y/n's long distance aunt.

She is pretty nice and she welcome me here every time I want. She also trusted me with Y/n so I was really happy with it.

Soon later, I reached Y/n's house and I went in without knocking since Y/n told me that I am welcome here. I looked around the house and saw Y/n not there so I assumed that Y/n is still sleeping since I came here early in the morning and leave a few hours before night fall.

I went into her room and saw her sleeping like a log. I climbed into her bed and hugged her while placing kisses all over her face to wake her up and it worked.

"H-Hyunjin" Y/n said in her sleepy tone

"Yes my love ~I am here again" I said and she hugged me back

"I miss you Hyunjin" Y/n said

"I miss you too my love~~How are you and our baby? " I asked

"Great but please don't tell me that it is going to be a boy because I think it's a girl" Y/n said

"Come on~I have a strong feelings that it is a boy" I said

"But I want a girl" Y/n pouted

"It doesn't matter whether we are having a boy or a girl but it matter that it's our child and we love him or her no matter what" I said as I placed my hand on her baby bump and she nodded

"You know I missed being inside of you so do you wanna you know? " I asked while smirking

"Anything for you Hyunjin but be gentle because our baby" Y/n said

"I know and I promise" I said while getting up

<3 months later>

Currently Prince Hyunjin is again to see Y/n and his unborn child because he missed them so much but when he arrived, he gotten the news that Y/n will be giving birth to their child.

Once he gotten to Y/n's house, he rushed into her room and saw her in bed in pain while a few of the tribal women are getting ready to help her give birth. Hyunjin immediately went to her side and held her hand.

"Y/n it's okay~I know it's hurt but just try to push our child out OK? " Prince Hyunjin said

"But it's hurt" Y/n cried and Prince Hyunjin begin comforting her

Soon the tribal woman told them that Y/n is ready to push since she is diluted. Y/n began pushing with all her strength to have their baby out of her. After like 1 hour later, Y/n finally pushes their baby out of her and baby cries echoed in the room. Prince Hyunjin immediately kiss her on her head and comforting her after giving birth while the tribal women handled the baby.

"You did it my love" Prince Hyunjin said

After a while later, the tribal woman brought them their baby after cleaning him up.

"Congrats it's a boy" She said as she handled the baby to Y/n before she left them alone

"You see my love, I knew it was a boy but thanks you my love for having our baby" Prince Hyunjin said as he kissed her again

"He looks like a lot like you Hyunjin" Y/n said

"What are you going to name him? " Y/n said

"How about Hwang Jihyun? " Prince Hyunjin suggest

"I like it " Y/n said as they continued to admired their baby

"Hyunjin do you want to carry him? I am tired and I feel like sleeping" Y/n asked

"Ok my love~Go to sleep, you worked hard for this" Prince Hyunjin said as he took their baby from her arms

Y/n soon fell into deep sleep after using up almost all of her energy. Prince Hyunjin sat beside her while carrying their baby Jihyun while staring at him. He just can't believe that he is a father now.

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