⇨49:Surrogate Pt 3 [Changbin]

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<3 months later>

Changbin POV.
It has been 3 months since I last saw Y/n. Everytime I went to her place, she is always not in and text or call, she didn't see or answer it, making me think that she is avoiding me. But I have this weird feeling in me that Y/n could have left for somewhere.

I really want to see her and talk to her after the last encounter with her which is having sex with her because of the baby issue. I decided to call my gang member Felix who tracked people down to find where is Y/n.

I dialled his number on my phone and after a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello boss, what do you need? " Felix said

"I need you to track a girl called L/n Y/n down" I said

"OK boss" Felix said before I end the call

I really hope that I can find Y/n and ask her why is she avoiding me.

<A few hours>

While I was doing my work at home, I received a call from Felix and I was hoping that it will be good news about Y/n.

"What have you found Felix? " I asked as I picked up the call

"Boss I found out that the girl Y/n moved to Osaka Japan 3 months ago" Felix said

'3 months ago? The last time I saw her, why did she moved? Is it because of me? ' I thought

"Do you have her address there? " I asked while hoping yes

"Yes boss I will send it to you right away" Felix said

"Great! Prepare my private jet because I am flying there tonight " I said

"Ok boss" Felix said and I ended the call

'Finally I found where you are Y/n, I want to you why you left without telling me and I will make you come back with me~~I will break up with Eunbi and make you mine again because I realised i have fallen for you deeply again after the time we made love.. Wait for me Y/n baby' I thought


Meanwhile in Osaka Japan, Y/n live a wonderful life there. It was so peaceful and calming, it was good for her pregnancy.

Y/n is currently 5 months pregnant with Changbin's baby which it was going to be a healthy baby girl and her bump was pretty obvious now. Y/n always hard that hoping Changbin would not find her or he will take the baby away from her but it is going to change soon since he knew her exact address.


As soon as Changbin landed at airport in Japan, he took his luggage out of the airport to the car which was arranged by Felix and drive straight to Y/n's place.

After about 15 minutes drive from the airport, Changbin finally arrived at Y/n's address that Felix gave him. He went out of the car and walked towards her door and press the doorbell.

Y/n POV.
I heard the doorbell rang when I was making some breakfast for myself. I went to get the door but my face soon fell when I saw the person whom I wish I won't see again. Changbin

I immediately closed the door on him but he was strong to pushed the door opened and came in and close the door so I ran into my room and locked the door shut.

"Y/n open the door please " Changbin plead as he knocked on the door

"No" I said while tears started to form in my eyes

"Let's talk please " Changbin said

"T-There's nothing to talk" I said as my voice cracked

"Please come out~I promise I won't do anything to you please" Changbin said

"Promise? " I said

"I promise you" Changbin said

I then went to unlocked the door and opened it. Changbin immediately bring me into a hug and I hugged him back too and began to sob.

"I miss you Y/n" Changbin said

No one POV.
After a few moments later, Changbin let go of her and wiped her tears away with his thumb. He then lead her to her bed and he sat on it and made her lie on his chest while he carassed her hair.

"So you are pregnant all along Y/n? Why did you lie to me? " Changbin said softly

"I-I just don't want to be separated from the baby once It is born" Y/n mumbled but Changbin could hear

"You could have just told me and I could let you keep it since you are biological mother of it" Changbin said

"Really??" Y/n said

"Yes~I won't take our baby away from you" Changbin said

"Thanks Changbin" Y/n said

"Anything for my precious jagi" Changbin said and Y/n cuddle in his chest more

"Y/n jagi, I want you to go back Korea with me~~I want go take care of both of you" Changbin said

"I don't know" Y/n said

"Why? Is it because I have Eunbi already? I break up with her for you because I don't love her anymore, I love you alot jagi" Changbin said

"I will think about it" Y/n said

"OK I won't force you~I will stay here with you for a week before I go back but I really hope you could go back with me" Changbin said and she nodded

After that, there was a long silence between them so changbin decided to break it by asking about their baby.

"How long are you now? And what are we having? " Changbin asked

"5 months now and we will have a baby girl" Y/n said

"Really? " Changbin asked excitedly and Y/n nodded

"Thanks Jagi" Changbin said and Y/n said

"Jagi ah, you know we have been apart for 3 months so shall we continue what we are doing before you left? " Changbin smirked and Y/n smacked his chest

"come on~we will go slow yet romantic " Changbin said

Y/n don't even bother to stop Changbin and let him continue on what he wants because she love him.

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