⇨30:Princesses [Changbin]

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"Let's break up" Y/N said as she tried to hold back her tears

"Why? I thought we were fine together" Changbin said while trying to reach out for her hand but she yank it away

"I don't love you anymore" Y/N said as she looked away from Changbin

"Fine! I will find someone better than you" Changbin said

*End of Flashback *

It has been 4 months since he scene where Y/N and Changbin's breakup kept replaying in Y/N's mind. It started to make her frustrated and regretting her decision on breaking up with Changbin.

Y/N broke up with Changbin because she know that her boss also Changbin's father will be arranging him to marry another girl from a different company. She knew about it when she accidentally heard Changbin's father talk about it in his office. His father didn't know that she and Changbin were dating as they kept it as a secret. Because Changbin's arranged wife will be appearing more often at the place where she is working so a break up is the best choice but she is wrong, she felt very uncomfortable seeing her and Changbin together especially she kept holding hands.

To make the situation worst, Y/N is currently 6 months pregnant with Changbin's twin princesses but she hide it from him. Her bump is making it obvious as it's starting to show alot but she tried to hide it by wearing some loose office wear.

Currently now it's lunch time, everyone is in the office went for their lunch while Y/N on the other hand ate her lunch at her desk. While eating, Y/N suddenly saw Changbin's arranged wife, A/W/N walking towards her desk and she grabbed her and pulled her to a corner of the building.

"Why are you still here? You should go somewhere far away from here" A/W/N asked and Y/N looked at her confused

"What do you mean? " Y/N asked

"I know you date Changbin but now I want you to stay away from him and leave this company because when you are here, he won't pay attention to me" She said as she tightened her grip on her arm and Y/N winced in pain

"I'm sorry but I need this job " Y/N said as she tried to make her let go

"I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER" She said as she let go of Y/N and pushed her harshly to the ground before she went off

Y/N's bump was hit hardly to the ground, she tried getting up but suddenly she began to breathe heavily and she felt sharp pain around her pain while liquid substance flow out of her legs. Y/N suddenly thought of her two princesses in her and she clutched her bump, trying to think of her way to save them while crying slightly.

Changbin who is just walking around the building when he saw Y/N on the ground in pain and he immediately rushed to her.

"Y/N are you OK? What's wrong? " Changbin asked worriedly as he held Y/N shoulders

He looked around Y/N and he widened his eyes and saw blood and some liquid substance following out of her legs.

"Hang in there Y/N~I will call for help" Changbin said as he pulled his phone and dialing someone number

But soon Y/N begin to lose conscious and fell to the ground and Changbin was there trying to wake her up while mumbling some words like Please wake up Y/N, I still love you.

<Time Skip>

Changbin is now outside the operation theatre, waiting for her surgery to end. It has been a few hours but doctor haven't came out and he begin to feel worried that he will lose her. Luckily after a few minutes later, the doctor came out and Changbin rushed to him.

"How is Y/N doctor? " Changbin asked nervously

"She's fine but her twin princesses are just prematurely born at 6 months so both of them will have to stayed in an incubators for some times" The doctor explained and Changbin frozed

"W-What do you mean by her twin princesses? " Changbin asked

"She is pregnant with twin girls at 6 months before both of them are born prematurely now" The doctor said and Changbin was in his thought

He thought how could it be possible that Y/N is pregnant for 6 months because they broke up 4 months ago so Changbin begin to have thoughts on maybe the twin is his biological daughters.

"Can you do a DNA test on me and her twin? " Changbin asked

"Sure~Follow me" The doctor said and Changbin followed him to do the DNA test on the twin and him

<A few hours later>

Changbin stood outside the doctor room while holding the results of the DNA test. He slowly took out the paper from the envelope and reading the result. He widened his eyes at the results, it was positive and this means that the twin is his biological twin daughters and Y/N hide her pregnancy from him. He placed the results back in rhe envelope before he head to the baby section to see his premature twin daughters.

It really broke his heart when he saw his twin who is really quite small in size inside a incubator with alot of wires connecting to their bodies. He was lucky enough that he was able to touch his daughters through a hole in the incubator, he tried to hold back his tears as he feel his daughters for the first time and in the state that they are in. His twin daughters move slightly in the incubator and they started making some soft crying noise as they feel a foreign touch on them when Changbin caressed them.

"Sshh~It's OK my princesses, daddy is here" Changbin said softly and they started to quieten down as he continued to caressed them

After looking at his daughters, he went to Y/N's room. When he got to the room, he saw Y/N began to wake up and he went to sat beside her.

"Why didn't you tell me? " Changbin said in his serious tone when Y/N was fully awake but she didn't answer him as she know what he meant

"If this didn't happened today, you are going to hide from me forever am I right? " Changbin asked as tears started flowing out of her eyes

"Are they OK? " Y/N asked while not looking at Changbin due to guilt

"Our two little princesses are fine but they have to stayed in the incubator for some time as they are still weak" Changbin said and he held Y/N's hand

"You should have told me especially you are having twin~~I could have took care of you" Changbin continued

"Why? You are going to marry someone else " Y/N said

"You knew about it didn't you so you broke up with me" Changbin asked

"I will never ever leave you now especially you had our twin princesses~~I will never marry A/W/N " Changbin said and Y/N turned around and looked at him

"Promise? " Y/N said

"I promise you" Changbin said as he lean towards Y/N and kissed her on the lips

"Back to the topic, how did you fell? " Changbin asked and Y/N turned pale

"A/W/N" She mumbled but it was loud enough for Changbin to hear

"I will never ever marry her even if it's the end of the world~~She almost made me lose my princesses " Changbin said angrily

Y/N held his hand to calm him down, Changbin promise to never ever leave her or even fight custody of their daughters with her if his father wanted it and he swear that he is willing to lose everything to be together with the person he love and his precious princesses.

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