⇨86:Broken Without You Pt 10 [Changbin]

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>>9 Months later<<

Changbin and Y/n have moved back to Korea to spend their future lives there. Changbin have gotten them a beautiful house to live in which is located at Yongin, South Korea where he was born. And also time has fly so quickly because Kyungwon is already 9 months old now.

Right after Y/n was discharged from hospital, they started preparing to move back to Korea and at the same time, started to plan their wedding too.

A month later since they moved back, Changbin and Y/n both got married and went to Paris for their honeymoon while Changbin's parents took care of their son.

On the other hand with Changbin when they came back from their honeymoon a week later, he was contacted by his ex-manager that Stray Kids would like to meet up with him and talk about everything that have happened. Changbin was quite hesitate about meeting them but in the end, he agreed to meet them.


"Changbin hyung why? " Jisung asked and Changbin kept quiet

Currently Stray Kids are at Changbin's house to talk about everything that has happened between them.

"Hyung say something please" Felix pleaded

"What else should I say? Things already happened" Changbin said as he looked down to Kyungwon who is sleeping in his arms

"Why did you hide from us? " Woojin asked

"I want to keep her safe from the fans but I was wrong since they still managed to find out and caused that car accident " Changbin said

"Hyung if you can come back to Stray Kids, will you come back? After the news was released, our fans are quite sad and disappointed " Jeongin asked and Changbin shooked his head

"Being an idol is not that important to me now, just take that I retire from the industry early because my main priority is to take care of my child well along with Y/n " Changbin said and it kinda disappoint them since they want him back

"So what do you planned to do in the future? " Chan asked

"Until Kyungwon turned 2 or 3 years old, I will take over my dad's company" Changbin said

"If that's your decision, we will respect it but I hope that we can keep in contact despite you are not an idol anymore" Chan said

"Definitely of course" Changbin said

"When is Y/n? " Chan asked

"She is sick today so she is in our room sleeping after she see a doctor and taken her medication " Changbin said

"Hyung can I hold your baby? " Jisung asked

"No~Later you will drop him" Changbin said and Jisung started sulking

"I won't hyung" Jisung said

"Jisung is so clumsy, I should hold him instead" Hyunjin said which cause Jisung to sulk more

Changbin went over to Hyunjin and gently placed Kyungwon in his arms.

"Aww he is cute" Hyunjin said

"He looks so much like you Changbin " Minho said and Changbin smiled

>>End Of Flashback<<

Currently it's 8am in the morning, Y/n just woken up as she had to start getting ready for the day as she has some errands to run.

But when she was about to get out of bed, a strong pair of arms pulled her back onto the bed. She turned to see Changbin awake and hugging her by her waist.

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