⇨43:Surrogate Pt 2 [Changbin]

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<A few months later>

For the past few months, Changbin and Y/n have been getting it on quite a lot, making sure everything goes as planned.

But recently Y/n started to feel unwell, having morning sickness, nauseous when she smelt certain food, eating weird food combination and mood swings. Y/n brought her thoughts together, thinking that she might be actually pregnant so she immediately went to the nearest pharmacy to get a pregnancy test kit.

After getting it, Y/n immediately went home to her bathroom to take the test. She followed what the instructions say to wait 5 minutes after peeing on the stick.

5 minutes later, Y/n couldn't wait to see the results, she slowly turned the stick around and it was positive. She is pregnant with Changbin's baby, she began bursting tears of joy and thinking that she will live happily with Changbin and the baby but she suddenly remembered that she won't be apart of the baby's live as she will leave once she given birth to it.

Suddenly Y/n have thought on lying to Changbin that she did not get pregnant and did not want keep having sex with him just to get pregnant and hope he can leave her alone now. Y/n will secretly pack all her stuffs and move to another country to have her baby and might as well as stay forever so Changbin won't find them anymore.


"This feel great! " Changbin said as he laid beside Y/n

Changbin is over at Y/n's place so that you know what can they do together and Y/n decided to tell him the lie that she planned.

"So did you get pregnant now? " Changbin asked and she shooked her head

"That's OK, we can conti--" Changbin was cut off by Y/n

"I think we should stop this~I don't want to carry this on anymore " Y/n said

"Why? " Changbin asked

"I just don't want it anymore please and just leave alone from tomorrow onwards" Y/n plead

"Ok we don't have to continue if you don't want but if ever want continue , I will be here ok? Don't ask me to leave you alone, I can't bring myself to it" Changbin said as he hugged her

"Ok" Y/n said

Changbin then slammed his lips onto hers, giving here a long passionate kiss since after today, he won't have a valid reason to kiss her anymore. Y/n kissed back as she felt sorry yet guilty that she have to lie to Changbin but this is the only way she can keep the baby to herself. After 5 minutes, Changbin broke the kiss and placed his forehead against her.

"Can we go for a few more rounds before we stopped doing it for good?" Changbin asked and Y/n nodded


After Changbin left her place about 5pm, Y/n immediately went online to booked a plane ticket to Osaka, Japan so she could move there tonight. She chose Osaka because she has a house there which she gotten herself 2 years ago plus there she has everything she need.

After booking the plane ticket, Y/n went to packed all her stuffs that she wants to bring to Osaka. Her flight for Osaka is about tonight at 10pm so she leave her place about 9.20pm.

<Time Skip>

Now it is a few minutes to 9.20pm, Y/n called a cab to drive her there to the airport. Y/n gotten her luggages preparing to leave, she look at her apartment one last time before she leave since she won't be back so soon and after that, she took her luggages down to the cab which is waiting for her.

After loading her luggages into the boot of the cab, the cab immediately drive her off to the airport. Y/n caressed her 2 months old baby bump as she felt sorry to Changbin for lying to him that the baby didn't existed.

'I am sorry Changbin for lying to you but this is only way that I can keep this baby~I love you with my whole life but you already have your girlfriend with you, you don't need me and I am here as your baby producer only. I can't let you have my baby whom I will be carrying for 9 months and letting him or her calling your girlfriend mom and not me so I guess this is a farewell them, I wil take care of him or her myself and goodbye Changbin'

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