⇨22:Second Wife Pt 2 [Changbin]

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Hi guys, I didn't expect that I will be writing a part 2 for this but since some of guys commented and dm me that you wanted a part 2 for it so I decided to write one out

It has been 7 months since the incident between Changbin, Y/N and Joyce. Changbin have decided to choose annulment over divorce meaning that Changbin and Joyce's marriage is invalid in the first place. Now Changbin does not have a first or second wife but he has his one and only wife, Y/N.

Day by day, Changbin and Y/N's love for each other is getting stronger and they are now anticipating of their baby girl's arrival. While they are being happy over their baby, someone in the back is planning a revenge on them.

Be happy for all you want now Changbin but it won't last long till I make your precious wife and unborn baby suffered.

[Can you guess who is the mysterious person who said this]

"Are you sure that you don't need me to accompany to the doctor Jagi? " Changbin asked Y/N over the phone

"I'm fine going alone Changbin~Just continued with your work" Y/N said

"OK but be careful alright" Changbin said

"Alright" Y/N said as she ended the phone with Changbin

While walking to the clinic, Y/N sense that someone is following, she turned and looked around seeing no one so she quicken her footsteps and she heard footsteps behind her is getting louder. And the next thing did she knew, someone covered her nose and mouth with a cloth that smelt like chemical and soon darkness take over her.

On the other hand, Changbin is currently working on some of his work, his phone notification ring and he received a message from an unknown number.

From:Unknown Number

Hi Changbin, it has been a while now but I have something that you maybe interested on. [Insert an image of Y/N being tied on a chair and her eyes blindfolded] I have your lovely precious wife here with me but I think she may not live long along with your unborn baby. I have an option for you which is divorce Y/N and be with me again or you choose who you want to keep alive, Y/N or Your baby but I think the second option is useless anyway because both of them won't be alive. You have 48 hours to make your choice but if I did not received your choice, both of them will be dead immediately.

Decide your choice carefully~I will be waiting

After reading the message, Changbin's blood boils and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Joyce" Changbin mumbled, knowing who is the one who kidnapped Y/N

"Hang in there Y/N, I will saved you~be safe please " Changbin thought in his mind as he rushed out his office

Y/N who is currently tied up, started to wake up but she noticed that her eyes is covered and she tied up, began struggled. Soon the blindfold is removed from her, she looked at the person who kidnapped her in shocked.

"Hi Slut, how is your life with my ex husband? " Joyce said while smirking

"J-Joyce" Y/N stuttered with fear

"I see that both of you are living a happy life and waiting for your unborn baby's arrival" Joyce hissed as she touched her swollen belly and Y/N sitting there in fear, not knowing what she will do next

"This baby could be mine if you didn't marry Changbin, it could have make Changbin fall in love and make love with me but you stolen this chance away from me!!! " joyce yelled as she punched Y/N's swollen baby a few times and Y/N groaned in pain

"There is no use for me to tied you up since you are so weak now" Joyce said as she began to untied you and pushed you harshly to the ground

"Don't try to escape or you will faced the harsher punishment" Joyce threatened as she kicked her belly multiple times before leaving her in the dark room

Y/N groaned in pain due to Joyce kicking and punching her belly multiple times, suddenly she felt liquid flowing down her legs and she was too weak to move. She remembered that Changbin installed a tracking device on her wedding ring in case there is any emergency, she immediately pressed the ring and waited to be saved.

"B-Baby, bare with mummy for a while~~I hope daddy will come saved us" Y/N said as she touched her belly while crying due to excessive pain she getting now

Changbin who is now worried about Y/N and his baby received a notification, he was shocked that Y/N remember the tracking device he install in her wedding ring, he search the location and find out that she is in an abandoned building somewhere in the woods. He immediately called his men, police and an ambulance to the location while he rushed there himself first.

After a while later, Changbin reached the location and saw some of his men were there. He along with his men walked towards the abandoned building but while walking, he suddenly saw Joyce walking towards the building in another direction, Changbin signalled some of his men to ambushed her while the rest of them followed him to find Y/N.

Changbin and his men immediately went into the abandoned building, his men guarded the entrance and door while Changbin went towards the room where Y/N is in. As he walked closer to the room, he heard crying sound coming in from there and he immediately burst into the room and found Y/N on the ground helpless.

"Omo Jagi, are you OK? " Changbin asked as he brought Y/N nearer to him

Soon he realised that liquids flowing down her legs and Y/N was in so much pain.

"Hang in there, the ambulance is coming soon" Changbin said and Y/N nodded weakly

After a few minutes, the sirens of both the police car and ambulance were heard. One of the men came into the room and informed him that Joyce is captured by the police and Changbin sighed in relief. Soon the paramedics came into room and assisted Y/N and brought to the hospital.

<4 hours later>

Currently Y/N is in hospital resting while changbin sat beside her this whole time, waiting for her to wake up. Soon Y/N began to start to opened her eyes and Changbin noticed it too.

"Jagi, are you feeling better now? " Changbin asked concerned and she nodded

"Joyce is captured by the police already and she will be in court soon, we don't have to worry about her anymore " Changbin said as he patted her head and Y/N sighed in relief

"Is our baby girl OK? " Y/N asked as she suddenly remembered her baby

"Don't worry jagi, she is fine~~I visited her an hour ago when you are asleep, she is just put in an incubator since she is weak as she is born prematurely " Changbin said not wanting Y/N to worry further

"Have you decided what to name her? " Y/N asked and Changbin nodded

"Hyebin" Changbin said

"What a nice name" Y/N compliment

"Of course~~She is my daughter" Changbin said proudly and Y/N just giggled

Thats the end to this imagine~~~Hope you guys like it

There will be no part 3 to this so you don't have to request for it (I am saying this in advanced to those may want part 3 to this)

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