⇨31:Trust [Woojin]

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A girl who has been scarred for her entire life, shutting herself from the world and everyone around her. She has no friends, she don't trust anyone but herself and will someone break her from her own world?

WooJin who is a curious boy has been wondering why his classmate distanced herself from everyone. Always being alone in one corner while reading her book and eating by herself. But not for long, WooJin decided to talk to her and find out why is she doing this.

Currently now it was recess time, the girl went to the garden under a tree to have her meal like usual. WooJin decided to use this time to talk to her, he accuse himself from his friends and went to the garden. When he reached the garden, he went to sit beside her when she is not paying attention to her surrounding.

"Hey~Why are you here alone instead of going to the cafeteria? " WooJin asked and the girl look at him then back to her own world

"What's your name? I wanna be your friend " WooJin asked and the girl looked quite hesitate about it, WooJin seem to noticed it ,placed his hand over her hand

"Don't worry I mean no harm~I just to be your friend" WooJin assured her and the girl let out a sigh before talking

"Jeon Y/n" The girl said

"I'm Kim WooJin" WooJin said while smiling as he stick out his hand and Y/n slowly stick out her hand for a handshake

"Why did you distance yourself from everyone? " WooJin asked

"Trust issues and PTSD" Y/n said

"I wonder what happen to you but I won't ask why till you are ready to tell me when you are comfortable " WooJin said and she flashed him a smile

Both of them stayed under the tree until their recess ended. WooJin was happy that Y/n talked him but not much, he really wanted to find out what exactly happen to her but now it is not the time to know. WooJin was positive on helping Y/n to opened up more to the world instead of shutting and distancing herself to her own world.

Haizz... My exams is just three days away and I am so stressed here

I am so worried that I will fail as I am the type that I don't really like to study a lot...

But in the bright side, I just have to think positive thinking maybe I will do well.

Well wish me luck! 😘

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