⇨28:My Werewolf Boyfriend [Jisung]

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Loving a werewolf isn't easy. Yes you heard me right, Y/N is in a love with a werewolf.

Y/N's boyfriend Han also known as Jisung is a werewolf. When they started dating 3 years ago, Han did not told her the truth but he finally confessed to her after about 1 year into their relationship. It's not really easy to date a werewolf especially during the heat season as Han gets very horny and Y/N being his mate will have to help him with it.

Y/N and Han is now in their shared bedroom, cuddling with each other on their bed while watching a movie till Y/N realised the heat season is coming.

"Oppa, the heat season is approaching soon right? " Y/N asked as she looked at to her boyfriend

"Yea~About in a week time" Han said as he looked at Y/N too

"I think I will take time off work to helped you with it" Y/N said and he shooked his head

"It's fine since I have to cleared my off days and I don't think I can go still during the heat since you made me unable to walk" Y/N said and he chuckled

"Do you want me to use a condom this time because I don't want the same incident to happened to you again? " Han asked with concerns and Y/N's face became pale

The incident both of them don't want to happened again as it was a terrible incident that both did not want to remember. 1 year ago after the heat season, Y/N began to felt unwell as she started to experience morning sickness and other symptoms so she went to see a ddoctor and she was told that she was 3 weeks pregnant. Y/N was really happy and went to Han about it, he was really excited that he is going to have his pups soon.

During Y/N's 4 months of pregnancy, an unfortunate incident happened to her. Due to her carelessness, she suffered a miscarriage, she started to blame her for her child's death and Han could not bear to see her in this state and told her that it was not her fault that she suffered a miscarriage.

"It's OK~You don't have to use it" Y/N said and Han looked at her worried

"We can have my pups later in the future jagi" Han said

"I'm fine, I just want to be pregnant again" Y/N said and Han just sighed

"It's up to you now~~But we have to be careful this time round" Han said and she nodded

For the rest of the night, they just cuddled while watching their movie. They will have to wait a week before the season is here, Y/N prayed hard that she could get pregnant but at the same time, both of them prayed that this time, nothing will happened to Han's pups.

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