Getting to Know Me Better

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Miranda's POV

I just met this guy and he wants to get to know me? What?? Like I would trust him. I'm a strong independent woman can't be. There was no way that it could be, but he wasn't like any of the other guys I dated, no it's not cause he was rich, I didn't care about money. Deep breath Mira, you got this.

I got into his car and we went to a bar called Santi's. He told me all about how when he was younger this was the first bar his dad and him went to and he's been coming ever since. When we got inside I wasn't expecting what I saw at all. I knew they were rich but damn....

I must have had my jaw dropped pretty long cause I heard him ask if I was okay

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I must have had my jaw dropped pretty long cause I heard him ask if I was okay.

Good job Mira, make yourself look like an idiot in front of the hot billionaire.

"Mmhmm yes, I am okay." I said, wiping off a little drool with my sleeve.

"Okay, cause we can go somewhere if you want." he said, laughing nervously.

"No, it's okay." I said, pulling myself together.

"Can I have a beer and for the lady," he said, suddenly stopping so I could speak.

"I'll have a gin and tonic."

"Ohh, strong drink for lady."

"Beer, please. At least have something with alcohol in it." I said, smirking.

I wasn't playing hard to get, I just wasn't used to a guy flirting with me. I grew up around guys when I was younger, my brother and his friends, and his clients too were mostly guys. I was able to handle stuff that most girls wouldn't be able to and had  interests in things other than what most typical girls would be interested in; cars, video games, and even action movies. My favourite movie happened to be The Fast and The Furious. 

Our drinks came shortly after and we thanked the bartender before beginning to drink.

"So tell me a little about yourself." Jordan said, putting the bottle down.

"I can promise you don't want to know about me." I said taking a sip from mine.

"Come on, how bad can it be?" he asked with a smile. 

Jordan's POV

"I could start if you want. Well you know my name already. So I guess we start with...." I trailed off giving her the opportunity to speak if she wanted.

"Tell me about your childhood." she said.

"Okay, I am an only child so I was always left to try to think of stuff to do on my own. I am the youngest on both sides of my family. My cousins didn't really want anything to do with me when I was growing up either cause my dad had made it his mission to flaunt his position and degrade people in my family. Yeah not fun times. I am really close with one of my cousins though, he was there for me through the tough times, and I was there for him. Well my parents were, when I was younger. We got closer over the years and then he got engaged and no one heard from him again. It was pretty disappointing because it felt like I lost the closest thing to a brother that I had. I lost a lot of friends that I used to have too because of my overprotective parents never allowing me to go further than they could see me, so that meant I couldn't go out and do things with my friends without parental watch over. I'm rambling on though. Tell me about yourself." I said, pausing to take a sip of my beer. 

"Well, I gave you a quick introduction back at the office. There really isn't much left to say." she said.

I could tell I was going to have a hard time getting her to open up.

"Okay, how about this. Let's do 20 questions but with a spin. Each question has to have a small story to go with it. For example, all 20 questions have to be more than yes or no answer responses so there becomes the need for an explanation." I said.

"Okay." she said laughing.

"Since you technically started asking me a question, I'll ask you one." I said. 

"What's your favourite holiday and why?"

"My favourite holiday has to be Christmas. It is by far the best time of year and the most magical. The best part of Christmas isn't the gifts though. For me it's the snow and family time. It's a time when even those who were holding grudges against one another come together and stay humble for a day at best. I remember Christmas mornings with my family when I was younger and it has to be one of the happiest moments. All of us gathered around the tree with a cup of hot cocoa in our hands and it was a tradition that my baby brother got to open the first gift. The way his eyes lit up was just something so special." she finished, with tears in her eyes. 

"Hey, don't cry. I didn't mean to get so personal right away, but is everything okay?" I ask, reaching for something for her to wipe her eyes with.

"I'm fine." she said, drying her tears on her sleeve. 

"Anyway, it's your turn, same question." she continued.

"Well my favourite holiday is Valentine's Day. Well it used to be anyways." I said.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well, I found out my girlfriend cheated on me a month after we started dating. I caught her actually. She wasn't like the other girls I had been with though, so I guess that's what made it harder. She wasn't with me for my money or for the gossip, she was with me because she loved me, at least I thought so. I caught her with my best friend, Michael, did you meet him? He's the co-owner of my dad's company, and Becca, her name was Rebecca, she doesn't work there but she comes by once in a while. Michael was my best friend before all this happened but no one knows the real reason we aren't friends anymore. None of us had ever said anything. I didn't tell my dad either, hence the fact that Michael is still the co-owner. I hope to take over my dad's position one day though, not just so I have power of Michael, but so I could give the company the changes it deserves. I want to work for it though, prove to everyone that I am capable of getting things if I work hard at it." 

"But why does it matter so much to you? Who cares what people think?" she asked.

"I mean, I am sorry to hear. I don't know you that well, but no one deserves to go through that." she continued.

"It matters so much because I was always left to fight for myself when I got good things or had good things happen. Every time I got an award at school, everyone thought it was because my dad paid the principal or something like that and not ever once thinking that I was capable of getting it myself."

"By the way, what happened earlier? I'm sorry if I asked something that you didn't want to answer. You could have told me I would have asked another question." I continued.

"No, it's fine. You didn't know. It happened a while ago." she said.

"Didn't know what? What happened?"

"I don't like to talk about it, but my brother passed away when he was younger."

"I'm so sorry." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"I don't need your sympathy." she said, suddenly turning cold.

Getting up and taking her jacket she walked out of the bar. I paid the bartender and got up to follow her but by the time I got outside, she was gone. I guess she called a taxi. I walked over to my car and drove home. Today was such a weird day. 

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