Time to Face the Truth

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Jordan's POV

I walk to my office and sit at my desk. It seems like it's going to be a miserable day just because of how it started but then she walks in.......

Miranda's POV

I didn't want to be here. The only reason I got this job was because my dad was friends with Brayden Miller, the CEO of the company. Guess that's what happens when you don't get into the job you wanted....



"Miranda can you step into my office please?"

"Sure sir, what's wrong?" I ask, following behind him.

"We don't think that you fit the image of this company anymore. You're fired. Please take your things and leave. Jackson will be waiting to escort you out of the building."

You can't be serious! I worked so hard to get this job! This was my dream job and the first one I actually put effort into getting. This is not happening.

My dad was usually the one to convince my previous bosses that I was worthy of the job because he knew people in high places. But this job I actually put myself through school to get, and now I was fired? Great, just great.

Trying to contain my anger, I walked out the door and to my cubicle (?). I found a box and packed up all my belongings. Jackson then escorted me to my car. I threw the box into the backseat, got in the driver's seat and drove home.


Jordan's POV

My dad didn't tell me about hiring anyone new. I could feel myself staring as she walked to hand me some paperwork. Damn, she was beautiful. Maybe this day wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"Hi, my name is Jordan." I say.

"I know." She says and plops the papers onto my desk.

Miranda refuses to make eye contact with me. She must be nervous.

"My name is Miranda. I moved here from Brooklyn, New York. I'm 21 years old and I like animals. I went to Georgian and got a degree in automotive marketing and ended up here. My dad knows Brayden Miller and got me the job here." she says.

"That's my dad!" I say, but she probably knew that.

"I am your personal assistant so whatever you need, you can ask. Oh and another thing, I don't like to depend on men, so before you ask, no." she says as if totally dismissing my comment.

Before I ask? What was I going to ask..? Ohhhh, damn.

She turns around to walk out and goes back to her desk. I get up as well but I'm going somewhere different, I'm going to talk to my dad about his decision.

As I'm walking to my dad's office I think about everything that just happened; the most beautiful girl is now my personal secretary. This day is going to be better than it started it off.


The rest of the day went by pretty fast. After talking to my dad about him not telling me that he hired someone to work for me, I returned to my office and continued working. I never thought I would fall as hard as I did for her (Becca) for anyone else, but Miranda is different. She has a calming vibe (strange I know) that she gives off and I don't know how to explain it but she's perfect to me.

She has this hard outside, but I know she's a softie just like me on the inside and I was determined to get that side out.

Later on that day....

"It's almost 5 do you ever go home?"

"What do you mean? My dad is the CEO of this company, is there ever a difference between work and home in that case?" I say, almost sarcastically.

I was used to my parents working crazy hours. I was an only child and spent most of my childhood trying to not only fend for myself but entertain myself. I had taught myself how to cook at an early age, and when everyone else was allowed to go out with friends, I was stuck in the house.

My parents never got to really know the other kids' parents, nor my friends' parents so there was no way they were going to let their perfect only little son go out anywhere without them being there. They were the helicopter over protective parents but somehow never had time to be actual parents. They did come to my graduation though, so I guess I should consider myself lucky that they did.

"Well I'm going to go home, it's been a long day."

"Hey, wait, I know you said you don't want a boyfriend, but let me at least take you out for a drink. You are my personal assistant so I feel like we should get to know each other better, if only on a professional level." I said.

She looked hesitant but she nodded. We took the elevator to the underground parking garage and I unlocked my Audi A7.

 We took the elevator to the underground parking garage and I unlocked my Audi A7

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"Mr. Fancypants owns a fancy car too. Surprise surprise." she said.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for luxury." I said, laughing nervously.

"We can take my car, yours if safe down here." I continued. 

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