A Trip to the Past

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Back at the Hospital

Jordan's POV

Miranda was still in and out of it and when I asked the doctor how long she would be here, he said it would be a few days at the least. I had 10 missed calls from my dad but he was going to have to wait.

It didn't matter, I wasn't returning to work until I could keep an eye on her there too. I know that seemed a little possessive and overprotective but her parents didn't know and I respected her wishes not to tell them. She would tell them when she was ready. She also didn't want to tell her parents about me yet and I understood, she wanted to keep the relationship private which was a good thing for now.

I can't believe she said yes when I asked!!

The police were outside her room waiting for the minute she woke up to continue asking her questions about her attack. I thought it was a little early seeing as it happened earlier this morning but she seemed up for it. The doctor had also said that she was going to need constant supervision after she was released and she would be happy to know that she would be released into my care.

"Good morning beautiful. Are you ready for the police to come in? If not, I can tell them to come another day." I asked her when she finally woke up.

"Good morning handsome. It's fine, they can come in." she said, blinking a little to get her eyes to adjust to the light.

She's so brave and strong. Even after what she went through, she still has the strength to act like nothing happened.

Upon hearing her approval they entered.

"We understand this is a hard time for you miss, so if there is ever a time when you feel like this is too much or too overwhelming for you, we can stop and continue at a different time."

Miranda's POV

I nodded my head then took a deep breath as I began to explain every moment in detail. When I was finished all I saw were three blank expressionless faces.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Yes." they finally said, nodding altogether.

It was a little funny to see the shock on their faces.

The officers spoke next, "We just didn't think you would be able to recount every single moment in so much detail."

"Yeah the guy was an idiot. He didn't bother drugging me and I was able to eventually fight him off, after well, you know." I said, looking around the room.

"We got the description you gave us earlier, so there are only a few more questions to ask and we will be done." one of the officers stated.

I nodded my head and he continued speaking, "What time did you say the attack took place?"

"It was probably early in the morning, I was out with Jordan and we lost track of time. I went outside for some air and then all of that happened."

They turned to Jordan, then asked, "Where were you when all of this was happening?"

"I told you he had nothing to do with this! I cleared his name already."

He put his hand on mine as if to reassure me that he had this.

"I was in the bar paying the bill, I came out as soon as I finished but she was gone already." he told them.

"Sir, it's safe to say you were intoxicated then?" they questioned.

"I had one drink and didn't even finish that."

"Miss, what about you?" they turned and asked me.

"I had a glass of gin and tonic, but like he said, we didn't even finish it! I'm sorry, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Because it could impair your judgement ma'am." 

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