First Date and Sleepovers

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Jordan's POV

"Mines too!" she exclaimed as I went to insert the movie into the player.

We got comfortable on the chairs and the movie started.

"After" was about a young woman who falls for a young guy with a dark secret and the two embark on a rocky relationship. It was about 1 hour and 45 minutes, but she fell asleep halfway through on my shoulder.

Once the movie finished I picked her up and carried her to her room and tucked her into bed. I kissed her forehead and turned to leave when I felt her hand at my wrist.

"Stay please." she said, in a sleepy voice.

I climbed into the bed beside her and wrapped my arm around her falling asleep soon after myself.


Miranda's POV

I woke up the next morning to Jordan sound asleep beside me with his arm still draped over me. The clock read 10:45 AM and I decided to lay in bed awake until he woke up. I traced his face with my finger and stared at him sleeping. He looked so peaceful.

I couldn't get last night out of my mind. It was perfect, the perfect way to have a first date. But then again, now that we were living together that would happen a lot more. I hope. His eyelashes fluttered awake, and he smiled when he saw me staring.

"Good morning my love." I said, smiling back.

"Good morning, sweetheart." he said back.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Of course, I had you by my side the whole night." he said looking more awake now.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him.

It was Saturday and we didn't really have anything to do.

"I have a surprise for you, but that's later." he said.

"Ooo I love surprises! Can I get a hint?" I said.

"Well the whole day is full of surprises actually baby. So giving you a hint wouldn't really be wise. You will just have to wait." he said, smirking.


It was a different feeling to wake up to someone being there, I actually had company now! The morning was still how it would be when I started my day; I went down and made myself a cup of french vanilla, after finally finding the kitchen (I can't believe he actually that here). Jordan joined me shortly after, making himself a cup of french vanilla as well.

"What do you want for breakfast babe?"

"Whatever you have." I said.

"Well there's waffles, eggs and sausages." he said.

"That's perfect." I replied smiling.

After we made breakfast and ate he told me to go get ready. He said that he had a whole list of places he wanted to take me today and some were meant to enjoy during the day. I quickly found my way back upstairs and got ready.

I decided to put on a casual outfit, the ripped black skinny jeans would add a little class to it. 

My makeup would be what finishes the outfit and I was really good at doing my makeup so it would dress the outfit up a bit more

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My makeup would be what finishes the outfit and I was really good at doing my makeup so it would dress the outfit up a bit more.

My makeup would be what finishes the outfit and I was really good at doing my makeup so it would dress the outfit up a bit more

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Finally my hair, it was naturally wavy so I just put some product in it and it was ready to go

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Finally my hair, it was naturally wavy so I just put some product in it and it was ready to go.

Once I finished getting ready I walked to the room door and noticed Jordan standing there with his mouth open wide

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Once I finished getting ready I walked to the room door and noticed Jordan standing there with his mouth open wide.

"Sorry, I tried not to take too long, but if it's too fancy or too much, I could go change." I said laughing nervously.

"No it's perfect." he said smiling. 

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