The King of Dates

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Jordan's POV

"Give me a few minutes to finish getting ready and then we can leave babe. In the meantime, go choose the car you want to ride in today." I said smiling at her.

I made my way to my room deciding what to wear myself. She looked gorgeous. I had to come somewhere close to that. I had a whole big date planned for her today, ending with dinner at a rooftop restaurant looking out at a sunset.

I went to my closet and opened it only to see a bunch of clothes. She was going to be busy for a little but I had to find something that would match her outfit, not too casual but not too fancy either and fast. I found an outfit; black shirt, black jacket, dark blue jeans, black belt and brown shoes and went to go find Mira.

 I found an outfit; black shirt, black jacket, dark blue jeans, black belt and brown shoes and went to go find Mira

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She was standing in front of my BMW with the keys dangling in her hands.

She was standing in front of my BMW with the keys dangling in her hands

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"Mmm, good choice babe." I said.

"Hop in, we have a long day ahead of us." I continued taking the keys from her and getting into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" she asked excitedly.

"Well the first place is one I know you will like a lot."

"Ooo I want a hint."

"Um...okay fine, where we are going you get to leave with a keepsake." I said smiling at her.

When we were close enough, I told her to close her eyes. She was reluctant at first but she said she trusted me and finally gave in.

I parked the car and went around opening the door for her, taking her hand and helping her out. I made sure her eyes were closed and took her hand, walking her through the front door.

Miranda's POV

I had the biggest smile on my face the minute I heard a puppy bark. I can't believe he brought me here! His hands were over my eyes but I turned around and gave him the biggest hug.

"Go choose whichever one you want, baby girl." he said in my ear.

I ran over to the cages and walked around until I saw the one I wanted, it was a baby golden retriever.

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