Flying to Paradise

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Jordan's POV

The next few days had been crazy but exciting. We planned our destination wedding; booked flight tickets, packed our stuff, booked the hotel, and thought about our honeymoon. Our flight was later this evening and I couldn't wait.

We had our stuff at the front door and I finished checking around the house. I left a note for my parents in case my mom came back while we were gone, explaining that Mira and I were going on vacation and would be back soon.

"Ready, my-husband-to-be?" she asked, smiling at me.

"I like the sound of that." I said smiling back at her.

"And yes I am, how about you, my wife-to-be?" I asked.

She had a huge smile on her face, "I am too."

We grabbed the bags from the front and packed the car. She took Miles in her arms and we got in the car. I drove us to the airport and parked in the lot to have the shuttle take us over. It was 6:15 PM and our flight took off at 7:00PM, but being early always helped.

We went to Starbucks and bought two drinks; a Grande Vanilla Latte and a Grande orange pekoe tea double double and ordered 4 oatmeal bars. Those were our favourite snacks here.

"First call for boarding flight 1111, please go to gate 5."

We heard the announcement over the PA and looked at each other excitedly.

"That's us!" I said smiling at her.

I took her hand in mine and we carried our luggage and Miles to the gate to board the plane. I couldn't wait to finally start our trip.


Miranda's POV

The view out the plane window was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The sun was setting and the clouds looked like we were in another universe.

 The sun was setting and the clouds looked like we were in another universe

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I held Miles up to the window so that he could see out too. He seemed to enjoy the view a lot. His barking made Jordan look over and his reaction to the sunset was priceless. I'm sure he had seen countless sunsets and sunrises before but he looked like this was the first one he had ever seen. He had that innocent childlike look in his eyes that made my heart feel so warm.

I was glad that we talked about this and things worked out for us to be able to go. This was something that we would remember for a long time and it was going to be a really memorable trip. I was getting married in the most beautiful city ever! This wedding couldn't have been more perfect.

In Greece everyone was like family so finding people to attend our wedding and be apart of it was going to be easy. Miles was going to be the ring boy, and any little girl would make a great flower girl.

I looked out the window. This was going to be a long flight no doubt. We left from Pearson International and the flight was 10hrs and 52min long. 

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