Healing Wounds and Creating Scars

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Miranda's POV

I heard the door and ran to greet Jordan. When I saw him, I froze, his hand was full of blood and so was his shirt.

"If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy." he joked.

"Baby, seriously what happened?" I asked with panic rising in my voice.

"When I got to work I found a note on my office door from my dad saying he needed to see me, but don't worry that's not where this happened, this is Michael's blood. After I left my dad's office I was upset and Michael made a sarcastic joke and I punched him." he said, wincing from the pain.

"We need to get you to the doctor or hospital, somewhere now!" I said looking for a sweater to throw on.

I knelt down to talk to Miles, "Baby, mommy and daddy are going to go out but we will be back real soon." I said, scratching behind his ear and giving him kisses.

I took the keys from Jordan and drove to the hospital. I went up to the front desk and explained to the nurse that Jordan was injured (I left out how that happened) and took the clipboard from her. I brought it back to him and helped him fill it out.

In a matter of minutes they were calling him in to be looked at by the doctor. His wrist wasn't broken, thank god, but they wrapped it in an elastic bandage, to keep him from moving it and worsening the sprain. The doctor had said the pain should be gone in a few days but gave him a prescription for pain meds in case he couldn't take the pain.

We made our way back to the car and I drove us home. The car ride was silent except for the music that was playing on the radio. It was my favourite song, Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars, which appeared to be making Jordan sad.

"Hey babe, talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked him rolling up to a red light.

"Nothing baby, I'm fine." he said.

I knew that was a lie but I also knew he would come around and tell me eventually so I didn't pry.

"I know you don't want to talk, but you need to eat. When we get home, tell me whatever you want and I will make it for you." I said smiling at him, when I turned into our street.

This seemed to make him feel better and he gave me a slight smile.


After we got home, I made sure Miles was okay and then attended to Jordan.

"Babe can we talk about earlier?" he asked me.

"Sure." I said, smiling and pulling up a seat beside him.

"It just hurt that my dad gave Michael the co-owner title, but at the same time I work my ass off and he doesn't see that nor appreciate it." he said.

"Maybe he has a hard time separating work from personal life and he figures if you were co-owner, you guys would only ever be talking about work." I suggested.

"That's true but still babe, he could have just seen things from my perspective for once." he said, sounding sad suddenly.

I could tell that this went deeper than what he was letting on but I also didn't want to overstep my boundaries and make him more sad.

"He was never there when I was a kid, never proud of anything I did, I could tell I was a huge disappointment to him. Both my parents were always at work, so when the other kids had their parents there at the soccer games or car races in the stands, they were never there. They were happy when I brought home the awards, and always told me they wished they could be there and hopefully next time. But there never was a next time." he continued.

Finally after not knowing what else to say, I thought of something.

"Promise me that after all of this settles, that in a few days you will call him, and talk to him and try to get things back to the way they once were before baby." I said, looking him in the eye and taking his hand in mine.

"I don't know if I can do that." he said getting up and leaving.  

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