One Step Closer

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Jordan's POV

I know walking away from Mira like that was bad, but she also knew that I needed space. None of what happened today was her fault and I know she was just trying to help but maybe I was used to things being this way with my dad. My dad and I had a rocky relationship but it was like this since I was younger. I wish my mom was here though, she always seemed to help to keep us on track.

My mom was a lawyer but the case that she was working on had her travelling to different parts of the world. She was hired to represent an international criminal and he committed crimes in a few different countries, forcing her to travel to each place to gather evidence and help her client win the case.

She was good at what she did, and it never took her long to come back. This time she was gone for a few months (nothing different than the usual) but I haven't heard from her much. She had said I could call her whenever I needed her or just wanted to talk, but I knew she was busy and didn't want to bother her. I walked into my room and went to sit on my bed. I took my cell out and stared at it for a while, before I started dialing.

"Hey, can we talk?" I began.

Miranda's POV

I knew Jordan was upset and so I decided to give him space. He would come around soon enough and I felt like my advice was pretty helpful. I knew things were bad with his dad right now but I also knew that deep down he still looked for his dad's approval in the things he does. Jordan had every right to be mad at him, I would be too if I were in the same position, but if he was so used to this by now, he should know how to get through this.

I knew what he told me was the surface of the problem, but I could tell there was something deeper that he wasn't letting on. I was going to be there for him either way, I was getting married to him, and I just wanted to see him happy,

"Want to go for a walk baby?" I asked, kneeling down to play with Miles. He barked and I went to go get his leash and a sweater.

I locked the door behind us and went around the block for a short walk. It was a nice day today, a cool wind was blowing but the sun was out which kept it warmer than usual for this time of year.

Miles was excited about the weather too, running here and there and trying to make friends wherever he went. I took him to the park so he could run around for a little and burn off some energy. He never had a problem sleeping at night which was good, and for the most part he would eat by himself. But every now and then he did like to be babied, and what can I say? I didn't mind.

I checked my phone for the time, it was 1:00 PM, so I decided to head back home and check on Jordan. I had left the house at 12:30 PM and that was just after he got up and left, he would have had time to think things over and if he wanted to talk I wanted to be there.

"Come on Miles, let's go home." I called, turning to head back in the same direction I just came from.

Jordan's POV

I didn't expect to still be on the phone this long, but I was glad I was able to get some stuff off of my chest. I knew Mira would be happy that I talked to someone and got one step closer to solving this problem. I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, I was getting hungry and hadn't really eaten well today.

I heard the door and saw Miles before I saw Mira. Miles ran up to me and I bent down to play with him.

"Someone looks a lot happier, that's good. Go sit babe, let me make you something to eat." she said, taking the food I had in my hands from me.

"Awww it's okay babe, I can do it and yeah, I just got off the phone." I said.

"Oooo with who?" she asked in a joking tone.

"My mom." I said. 

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