Rooftop Dinners

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Jordan's POV

I took her hand in mine helping her get out of the car and walked her up to the door. I could tell the smell of the food hit her nose when she smiled silently, but she didn't say anything. I smiled at the hostess and when I told her about the reservation she took us to our table.

We climbed a short set of stairs and I made sure I was careful when helping Mira up them going slowly to get her comfortable. We stopped shortly after at a table overlooking the water.

"Thank you, this is perfect." I said to the hostess before turning to Mira.

"Ready for the view?" I asked in her ear, taking Miles from her.

She smiled and nodded her head, so I slowly undid the blindfold.

Her hand immediately flew to her mouth and she looked surprised.

"How do you like it?" I asked her, laughing slightly.

"It's...perfect, it's so beautiful." she managed to say, her voice still struggling to find the words.

We sat across from one another and I took her hand in mine before speaking.

"So how did you like today? I didn't do any of it just so I could make you stay, trust me. I wanted to do all of this to show you how special you are to me." I said.

"It was amazing, and trust me, you don't need to worry about me going anywhere. I knew this whole thing started a few days after I met you and once my parents find out they might be upset, but they will come around to understand that I am big enough to make my own decisions."

I hadn't forgotten about telling her parents, but somehow I knew that they weren't going to like me. I mean come on, I was a super rich guy who they would feel is only going out with their daughter for publicity.

She must have noticed the distant look in my eyes, because she touched my hand, bringing me back to the present.

"Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to make you upset." she said, in a soft tone.

"No, you didn't make me upset, I was just thinking about your parents reaction to me. But we can talk about that later, right now I want to focus on you and nothing else."  I said, smiling at her.

Miranda's POV

The view really was amazing, I couldn't believe he brought me here. He didn't have to though, I mean sure I knew he was rich, but I wasn't with him for the money. I was with him for him. I did enjoy getting Miles today, but honestly he didn't have to do that.

"Babe, you know you don't have to do this right?" I started.

"I am not with you for your money, I really enjoyed getting Miles today, but honestly you didn't have to. I am with you because I love you for you, not your money, or expensive cars, or fancy house." I continued.

He looked like he didn't know what to say, so he stayed quiet for a moment.

"But I wanted to babe, trust me, money isn't a problem for me, you know that, but seeing how happy you were when you got Miles, that was something that money couldn't buy."  he said finally.

I looked into his eyes and noticed that his words were sincere. I knew what he went through with his ex wasn't easy, neither was what I went through with mine. I just wanted him to happy and know that he didn't have to spend money on me for that to happen.

Our waiter came by shortly after and we ordered our meals. I ordered the Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara.

 I ordered the Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara

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Jordan ordered the Shrimp Scampi.

"This place is so beautiful babe! What's the story behind this place?" I asked, smiling at him

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"This place is so beautiful babe! What's the story behind this place?" I asked, smiling at him.

"This place has a family tradition actually." he said nervously.

"Oh really? What kind of tradition?" I asked him.

"It's where my dad proposed to my mom...." he started.

His hand reached inside his jacket pocket and my heart skipped a beat.

"I know this might be too early to ask you Mira, but I honestly can't stop thinking about you and I don't want to spend a minute apart from you

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"I know this might be too early to ask you Mira, but I honestly can't stop thinking about you and I don't want to spend a minute apart from you. I also know that we just met the other day, but I am head over heels for you, and seeing that beautiful smile just confirmed my love for you even more." he started.

He knelt to the ground and then continued, "Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and marry me?"

My hand flew to my mouth and I felt the tears coming.

"Yes, a million times yes."

He got up and put the ring on my finger, kissing me and smiling. 

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