Baby Talk

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Miranda's POV

"Hi honey, how have you been?" I heard on the other end.

"Good, had a few rough patches recently but everything is okay." I replied.

"Oh, well life is like that honey." My mom said.

"Hey, is dad around, I want to share some news with both of you."

It may be easier that way.

"Yeah hold on, 'John, Miranda's on the phone, she wants to talk to both of us', he's coming honey." I heard my mom say.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" my dad asked.

"I'm good, I have some stuff I want to tell you guys. It's not going to be easy to hear, so maybe you guys want to sit and get comfortable first?" I said, in an attempt to stall.

"If it's about your job, I know. Braydon called," My dad started and I heard my mom chime in "and you're dating the CEO's son?"

Damn they took both sets of news a lot better than I thought

I didn't know how to continue and just stayed quiet for a few seconds, "there's more." I started.

"I was attacked recently and I knew my attacker. It was late one day and I left the bar a little before Jordan did, and was kidnapped and raped...." I trailed off.

"Oh my goodness, honey are you okay?" I heard my mom manage to say through tears, my dad stayed silent which meant he was mad.

I felt the tears come to my eyes just thinking about the next part I was going to tell them, "I'm pregnant."


Jordan's POV

Mira left a while ago, I thought about calling her but I also knew she needed her space. She would be back soon and then we could talk it over or not, whatever she wanted. She took the news better than I thought but that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

I sat down on the floor bracing against the side of the counter and the tears started to fall. I had a strong face that I always put on for Mira but it was hard to keep it altogether all the time. Miles came over and licked my hand. I picked him up and he licked my face, licking my tears away.

I could see why Mira was so happy with him, even though he couldn't speak he always knew what to do.

"I really messed up Miles, I don't know what to do. My dad isn't going to want to talk to me again, and I don't want to get mom involved, she's busy enough with her case. I need to find a way to get Mira her job back, even if I can't get mine. None of this was her fault. What do I do?" I asked him scratching behind his ear.

"I need to fix this. She's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, I want to start a family with her someday. You are our baby right now and always will be but I mean a human kid." Miles barked and licked my face as if to give me a kiss after hearing this.

I knew he was going to be good with babies, he was one himself. I got up and went to look for a treat for him.

Miranda's POV

"Does Jordan know? Is it his?" My parents asked.

"No he doesn't and no it isn't...." I said through tears.

"I wasn't feeling well and decided to take the attacker got me pregnant." I trailed off.

I couldn't seem to make those words make sense

I knew Jordan would accept this baby as his and raise it with me, but I also knew how much it was going to hurt telling him.

"Honey, at the end of the day if Jordan really loves you he will be happy and be with you every step of the way." My mom said.

"Yeah mom, I know he does."

I didn't bother telling them about the engagement, we hadn't set a date yet either but I didn't need them thinking that he was marrying me because of the baby.

I said goodbye to my parents shortly after, trying to reassure my dad that everything was going to be okay. My mom said she was going to go calm him down. She knew him best and he always listened to her.

I made my way back to the house, stopping at the front steps to pull myself back together.

Jordan's POV

I heard the door and ran to see Mira. I froze when I saw her, she had tear stains on her face and her eyes were bloodshot red.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, hugging her tightly in my arms.

"We have to talk baby." she managed to get out. 

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