The Consequences Are Never Fair

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Miranda's POV

I was so happy to hear that. He really needed this, and that meant he was one step closer to talking to his dad.

"Oh my goodness, how is she?" I asked excitedly.

"She's good. She was telling me about her case and I was talking to her about stuff that happened here." he said, laughing nervously.

"No wonder you're glowing, that's amazing." I said, starting to put his sandwich together.

Miles was at my feet following me around, well like a lost puppy, and I gave him a little of the chicken I had for Jordan's sandwich. The tiny piece seemed to keep him busy for a while and it was cute to see him eating.

I finished making Jordan's sandwich and brought it over to him. He was distracted on his phone, I figured it was work stuff that he was trying to finish up. What his dad did wasn't fair but at the same time I saw his point and where he was coming from. He hadn't heard from Jordan in a week and from what I could tell he was very business oriented, so work was the first and only thing that was on his mind.

"Babe, your sandwich is ready." I said, standing there looking at him.

"Mhmm thanks babe," he said distractedly.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked him.

"Oh sorry babe, I was checking in with work and asking my dad if he had time for me to come see him."

"That's really good baby, I'm glad you're making the first step. But I thought you said he gave your work to Michael." I said.

"He did but that doesn't stop me from still checking in. He gave my workload to Michael, he didn't take away my access to the server. I can still check in and see how things are going." he said.

"And my dad said I could come by later, so I'm going to head to the office at 5 PM babe." he continued.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get home then." I said smiling at him.

The clock in the kitchen read 3:55 PM, I can't believe time is going by so fast, it never felt like this when I was at my own place.

"I should go get ready." he said getting up.

"No, you can get ready after you eat." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder to force him to sit back down.

I know he hadn't been eating the way he should so I was going to make sure that as long as he was in my sight he was eating.

Jordan's POV

I kissed Miles and Mira goodbye after getting ready and grabbed my keys from the table. It was 4:15 PM and after getting my dad to agree to meet me, I didn't want to be late. Traffic was light and I got there in 20 minutes.

Michael was still there, but we avoided each other because we didn't want round 2 to happen. I walked into my dad's office and it seemed like he was waiting for me.

"That was nice of you to make time for me." I said, trying to be humble.

"You're my son, if you don't think I'm going to make time for you then I don't know what you think."

My mind went back to my childhood but for the sake of peace keeping, I didn't bring it back up again. I took a seat and started talking immediately. My dad wasn't one for wasting time.

"I spoke to mom not too long ago and then I thought I would come see you. She said she was going to try to be home soon, but couldn't promise anything. Okay I will get to the point of why I came. I came to apologize for my behaviour earlier, it was wrong of me to let my emotions get the best of me, and you were right and had every reason to do what you did. I'm sorry."

My dad sat and looked at me for a few minutes with nothing but silence filling the air.

"I am glad that you feel sorry for what you did, you should be. You harassed one of my employees but thankfully for you he isn't pressing charges. He is willing to move on like nothing happened which is one of the reasons he's the co-owner. Anyways I suggest you pack the things in your office."

"Am I moving to a different part of the building...?" I asked, trailing off.

I guess I deserved that for attacking the co-owner

"You're fired." 

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