Hard Conversations

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Jordan's POV

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I asked, trying to process the words.

"I said that you're fired and you can tell your girlfriend she's fired too." he said.

"No, please I'm begging you. I messed up not her, don't do this to her. None of this is her fault. Please, don't make her suffer because of my actions." I said pleading with him.

"I guess you should have thought about that before you went and did what you did." he said sternly.

I wasn't going to beg and plead to get my job back, I'm not who he thinks I am if that's what he thinks of me. But he couldn't do this to Mira. Sure she was my personal assistant, but just because I wasn't there doesn't mean she had to be out of a job. She could work for someone else. God how was I going to break the news to Mira.

"Henry will be here to escort you soon, once you pack and leave this building I suggest you don't come back." he said going back to studying some paperwork.


I was dreading going home to tell Mira. She would hate me and honestly I didn't blame her if she were to break up with me over this. I was the reason that she lost her job. That wasn't just something that she would be able to get over easily.

I drove as slowly as I could to get home, the first time I ever did. I was usually excited to get home to see my wife-to-be, if that's what she still would be after all of this, and my baby Miles, but breaking this news to her wasn't going to be fun or pretty.

I sat in the car for 5 minutes when I pulled into the driveway thinking and going over in my head what I was going to say to her. I finally thought of something, took a deep breath and got out.

I walked up to the door, unlocked it and went inside, only to find her standing right there. She ran over to hug me and give me a kiss as if to congratulate me or show how proud she was of me, little did she know the next news I was going to give her wasn't anything close to what she thought.

She could sense that something was wrong and looked me in the eye when she spoke, "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something, but it's not going to be easy to hear. If you hate me and want to break it off after I totally understand, I deserve it."

"Baby, you're scaring me, what happened? And there's nothing you can tell me that will make me break up with you, unless you were to cheat on me. You didn't cheat on me, did you?" she asked.

"No, of course not. It's about your job and well my job too. My dad fired the both of us." I said trying to brace myself for impact.

She just had this really sad look on her face and that broke my heart. The last thing I wanted to ever do was make her sad, and now I had done it.

Mira didn't move or cry she just kind of sat there and that kinda scared me more.

Miranda's POV

The words that just came out of Jordan's mouth was like hearing them in a foreign language, I didn't process them, I couldn't. This was the job my dad got for me and I just lost it. How in the world was I going to explain to him everything that was going on; being engaged to the CEO's son, being raped, losing my job. This wasn't a conversation that one had all at once, each set of news deserved it's own conversation.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard him ask, looking at me with a worried look on his face.

I shook away the thoughts in my head to focus on the present, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just think I need some air." I managed to get out.

I grabbed my phone and jacket and left Miles behind this time. I was going to try to break the news slowly to my parents, to try to ease the high expected emotions.

I knew it wasn't easy for Jordan to tell me that, but I'm glad he did. I had some news that he might not take so well himself.


I closed the door behind me and just stood at the steps for a little. I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths. It was sunny and a cool breeze was blowing which made a slight rush of cold air enter my lungs. I coughed a little then walked off the steps and down the driveway towards the trail.

I unlocked my phone and began dialing.

"Hey, I want to tell you something." I started. 

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