But She Was Fine When She Left!

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Jordan's POV

The next day at work things seemed like all hell broke loose. I walked into the building to be bombarded by media outlets waiting in the lobby. I instantly had cameras and news reporters in my face.

"Mr. Miller, can we get your thoughts on the incident that happened last night?" I was asked.

Incident? What did dad do this time?

I kept quiet and kept my head down walking to the elevator. It was a similar scene getting out of the elevator but without reporters and cameras this time. The police were here.

What the hell was happening?

"Son, in my office NOW." Came my dad's voice over the loud noise and mess of people.

I made my way over, and he locked the door behind us.

"What the hell happened last night?" he asked angered.

"I could ask you the same thing dad. Why is the press in the lobby downstairs?"

"How did they get inside?" he asked, putting his hand on his head.

"And me? This is your fault! Why did you have to take that girl out for a drink? You're the prime suspect in the case right now. Do you know how bad this is for business?"

The part about me being the prime suspect in this investigation seemed to go right over my head.

"What are you talking about? What happened to Miranda??" I asked, starting to panic.

"She was kidnapped and well let's just say it went wrong and now she's in the hospital."

I felt the world stop when he said those words. She's in the hospital. I dropped my bag and grabbed my keys and phone and ran out of his office. I raced to my car and drove like a maniac to get to the hospital.

I ran through the doors and straight to the front desk.

"There was a girl who came in last night, she's got brown hair, her name is Miranda Summers." I said as my voice started to sound shaky.

"She's in and out of it, but she's in room 1197, down the hall, to the right."

When I got to her room, I couldn't believe my eyes.

She was lying there with bruises all over her body and hooked up to a ventilator. She looked so helpless and the hard outer shell she had was gone. There was a nurse by her side and I went inside to talk to her.

"Excuse me, nurse, what happened?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"You must be the boyfriend. I'm sorry sir, she was raped."

Raped?! How did this happen?

Miranda's POV

I was in and out of it a lot and my head was killing me. There was a nurse constantly coming to my bedside checking on me and all I could see when I closed my eyes was the image of a man climbing on top of me. I felt so dirty and blamed myself for everything that happened. If I hadn't walked out when Jordan made the comment I would have been safe.

I opened my eyes to see a nurse attending to me but there was someone at the door. My vision was a little bad because of the pain meds they had me taking but I recognized who it was. Jordan.

"Jordan, what are you doing here?"

He walked in but had the look of fear and disbelief on his face. I tried to raise my hand and touch his hand to snap him back to reality but it was hard for me to even do that. He noticed and came over trying to get me back into a comfortable position.

His hand was at his face and he looked really worried.

"Nurse, can I talk with her alone please?" I heard him say.

"Give me a few minutes to finish this and then you can." she said.

A few minutes later when the nurse finished packing up, she left.

He took my hand in his, as if to be getting ready to break some hard news to me. 

"Mira, you were raped....." he said.

"I know. He didn't drug me and I tried to fight him off but clearly this is where it got me." I said, motioning around the room.

"They think I did it." The words fell out of his mouth as if they were foreign to his ears.

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