Save the Date

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Miranda's POV

"That depends on when you try again. There is never a guarantee that one miscarriage means anything in terms of never getting pregnant again, but maybe hold off for now. Maybe a few months down the road." she said smiling.

Well that was good news at least. I was so happy that I wasn't going to have the baby but it did hurt a lot under the circumstances. I looked at Jordan who had tears building in his eyes.

"I'll give you two some time." the doctor said, turning to leave.

"Thank you." I said, getting up and going over to join Jordan.

"Did anyone else know?" Jordan asked me.

"I had told my parents when I went for the walk. They weren't too happy but my mom was really supportive. But that's it, besides them and you, no one knows." I said, looking into his eyes.

Not being able to hold the tears back anymore he broke down crying. This was so hard for him, and life hasn't been easy for either of us so far. I pulled him into a hug, stroking his hair in an attempt to calm him down, and a few minutes later it seemed to have worked.

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise." I whispered into his ear.

Jordan's POV

I couldn't believe she lost the baby. I know this was bad but honestly I was thanking god. Raising that child was going to be trying but maybe this was a miracle in disguise. I dried my tears and took her hand and we walked out of the office. It felt like it was one thing after the next and just when I thought we could be happy, something else had to happen.

The drive home was tense but I turned the radio on to try to lighten the mood. My favourite song was on "Marry Me by Jason Derulo" and I laughed a little thinking this is the exact conversation I was going to have with Miranda later. I was planning on talking to her about setting a date for our wedding. I thought that we both needed something to make us happy, especially now. 

I had asked her to marry me about two weeks ago, but we hadn't set a date yet. I knew she would want to have her family there, but maybe it was best to just tell everyone about it after we got married. Nobody had to know about the baby scare and I just wanted to have one thing to smile about.

"Babe, I know things are crazy right now, but how would you feel if we set a date for the wedding?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She turned to me when I said this and I could see a slight bit of happiness in her eyes.

"I was thinking of keeping it small, maybe just a government officiated wedding. You know, say our vows and stuff, get the certificate and then tell everyone." I continued. 

"I would love that but babe, don't you want our families there? Who would be the flower girl, the ring boy? I always dreamt of having a destination wedding, I had all these plans in my head. I want to get married as badly as you do, but don't you think if we are going to do it we should both be happy? I'm sure you have a way you want the wedding to be too, wouldn't you want to wait and do that?" She asked me.

Everything she said made sense and that was the problem. I knew it was a hasty decision but I really just needed something to smile about, she needed it too, if not the most.

"I would love that too but baby, we really need something to smile about and besides we both know neither of my parents are going to be there. Plus, if you really want a ring boy, we could use Miles. What do you say babe? We could still have the destination wedding, just not as big a crowd." I said.

Upon hearing Miles as the ring boy, she had a glow on her face. Miles was her baby and she loved him so much, sometimes I felt she loved him more than me. He was just so tiny though, so my little competitor could take this victory.

"You really mean that baby?" she asked, looking me directly in the eye.

"Of course, wherever you want babe." I said smiling back at her.

"I want to go to Greece. There's a really pretty island in the Aegean Sea called Santorini."

She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures. It really was beautiful.

"It's perfect baby." I said, smiling at her.  

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