Suppressing the Pain

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Jordan's POV

I brought the bottle up to my lips. The burning feeling the alcohol gave me was numbed out by the pain I felt inside from my broken heart. I did it again, put my heart out on the line only to have it broken in a matter of a month when I found out she was cheating on me. And to top it all off, it was with my former best friend, Michael.

I had known Michael since we were about 5 years old. He was like a brother to me, we were the inseparable pair all throughout school. Any trouble he got in, we got in together but we always had each other's backs. Until now, I could trust him with anything.

I looked at the mess of bottles surrounding me, all littered on my bedroom floor. I never drank more than I could handle but doesn't look like that was going to happen tonight. 3 bottles were clustered in a corner, memories of me downing them now a blur. Only a matter of bottles would do the trick to get me to the stage of passing out. I would love that, be anywhere but here right now.

Rebecca was the love of my life. She came into my life when I was on the brink of giving up on finding love. Any girl I dated only stayed with me for my money and the luxuries of being with a rich man. But Rebecca was different. She didn't ask for much things, just an allowance. Sadly over time, it seemed as if a switch got flipped. She turned into this whole other person; always asking for money, asking for an increase in her allowance every other day, buying the most expensive things, etc. But I chose to ignore it because I loved her, more than anything in life. Now I just hate her.

Don't get me wrong though, if any of those girls ever needed help, I would always be there for them. Yes they did all use me, but that's just the type of person I am. I have a soft heart and I hate it sometimes.

My dad is the owner of a luxury car company and my mom is a lawyer. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with So you must be asking yourself what happened? I can guess I can relive the memory one more time, for story sake. Every time I close my eyes I can see it happening all over again.......



"Becca!" I call as I get through the door.

"Babe, are you home?"

I begin to walk around the house searching for her but turning up empty on the first floor. I unload my bag in the kitchen and went to the fruit bowl and grabbed an apple. Biting into it, I started hearing sounds coming from upstairs. Wandering upstairs, assuming that's the only other place she might be, I find her in the bedroom. Michael is on top of her softly kissing her and she is playfully saying his name.

"Becca!" I say with pure disgust and shock in my voice.

I am so mad that I punch the wall. This caused Michael to turn around immediately.

"What the hell man!" I shout at him.

"Dude, I'm sorry. She suggested it." He says.

"And you listened to her?!" At this point I was seeing red.

"I am giving you exactly 10 seconds to get out of this house before things get worse for you than it's going to be."

I start the countdown and he scrambles to his feet and runs down the stairs in 5 seconds flat. I just stand and stare at Becca, not even knowing where to begin.

"Get out!" I yelled at her.

"What? Where am I supposed to go?" She asked, with tears in her eyes.

"Anywhere but here. The sight of you disgusts me so much."


I should try and get some sleep. Although I'm heart-broken, dad isn't happy that I haven't shown up to work in the past 2 days. I kept making excuses and told him I was just really tired and he seemed to buy it.

As one can imagine, stepping foot into the office the next day was a horrifying thought. Michael was still working for our company because we never told anyone about the fight. My dad hired him to be co-owner and as much as I wanted that title, I sucked it up and was determined to prove myself worthy. I didn't want people to think I was dependent on my parents, I wanted to go through the physical labour of getting the position to prove to not only to others but to myself that I could get far ahead if I worked hard.

I wasn't thinking about Rebecca being there but to see the two of them face to face would be harder because the memory of seeing them making out is the only thing that plays in my mind over and over every time I look at either of them.

As soon as I walk through the double doors at the front, I see Rebecca. She is standing side by side with Michael playfully hitting him. I immediately look away and continue walking. This is not going to be a good day for me or any of them if they decide to talk to me.

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