Preparations and Perfect Fits

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Jordan's POV

Today we were going to look for Mira's wedding dress and she couldn't be more excited. Miles loved it here too and he was making friends everywhere we went. Yesterday was amazing and I could tell that each day that we were here was just going to get better and better.

I rolled over and read 9:30 AM on the clock on our bedside dresser. I slowly began to nudge her and gave her kisses to wake her up. She smiled and finally gave in, opening her eyes and giving me a kiss back.

"Good morning baby girl. We have a long day ahead of us and today is the day you pick your wedding dress." I said, smiling at her.

"I know I can't wait." she replied in a sleepy tone, wrapping her arm around me and closing her eyes again.

We layed in bed for a little longer before finally waking up. We ended wasting a day yesterday but a day was never wasted when I was with the love of my life.

I threw on a robe and she pulled on a sweater and we headed down for breakfast. There were so many options for breakfast foods and I didn't know what to start with first.

"What do you want babe, I could grab it for you?" I asked her.

"Their waffles and scrambled eggs look really good." she replied standing by the drink station.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked me.

"A french vanilla latte sounds good." I said looking up at her.

I prepared two plates and once she was done with the drinks, we made our way back to our room.

I prepared two plates and once she was done with the drinks, we made our way back to our room

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Once we finished eating, we got ready and went to start the day

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Once we finished eating, we got ready and went to start the day. We started at a wedding dress shop and saw a few possible options.

"Can you put those two dresses on hold for us please? We will be back later to make our decision." Mira told the lady behind the counter.

"No problem." she said with a smile.

Next we went to go book an appointment for her hair and get her nails done. Her favourite colour was red but she wanted to get her nails painted blue, which was my favourite colour. They looked so beautiful once they were done.

Her hair was going to take a while to get done tomorrow because she wanted to not only to style it but change the colour as well, so we booked the appointment for 9AM

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Her hair was going to take a while to get done tomorrow because she wanted to not only to style it but change the colour as well, so we booked the appointment for 9AM. She went over to the counter and looked through the binder at the beauty parlor and decided on a colour. She really like the ombre brown colour she saw and choose that one. I really loved the look too and with her skin colour I knew it would look really good on her.

 I really loved the look too and with her skin colour I knew it would look really good on her

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"Let's go choose a tuxedo for you baby." she said turning to me before taking my hand and walking me out of the salon.

The store wasn't far from the salon so we walked there. It was nice outside, not too hot and the sun was out with no clouds in the sky. It felt like for once the universe was finally working with us instead of against us and it felt good.

We walked up to the door and I held it open for her. Once inside I started walking up and down the store looking through the suits on display. I came across a few I liked and took them to go to try them on.

"I really like this one babe." she said.

"Me too." I said smiling at her.

We went to the counter to make the purchase. 

Before going back to the hotel, we went back to the dress shop

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Before going back to the hotel, we went back to the dress shop. She went and tried the dress on and after seeing the two on her, I gave her my opinion. She liked both so she went with my choice and when the owner came by and saw it on her, she was speechless.

"It's perfect." she managed to say.

Miranda's POV

Seeing and hearing both reactions from Jordan and the owner, made me feel so beautiful. This was the dress and I couldn't wait to wear it tomorrow. I took it off and we took it to the counter so the owner could pay for it. I couldn't believe it fit so perfectly, it was almost like it was made for me.

"You're lucky, this dress is very popular but the girls who come in to purchase it always say it's slightly too big or a little tight for them. This looked so stunning on you dear." she said smiling. 

She turned to Jordan and then continued, "You are one lucky guy." 

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