I Do! I Do! I Do!

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Miranda's POV

"I do!" I said looking into Jordan's eyes.

Turning to Jordan, the pastor asked him, "Do you, Jordan Miller, take Miranda Summers to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do!" he said, smiling at me.

"Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Jordan you may kiss your bride."

Jordan grabbed my face and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. We could hear cheering all around us and this was the happiest I could ever recall being.

Jordan's POV

Kissing Mira and making this official in front of all these strangers couldn't have been any better. It meant I could finally start my life with her and eventually start a family. The thought of me being a father was great, but nothing made me happier than to imagine her as a mother.

She had all the qualities within her already; she was kind, caring, loving, and really good with kids. She treated Miles like her baby and from the way she cared for him, made me realize that all those qualities came naturally to her. One day down the road we would be a beautiful family but for now I was going to enjoy every moment I had with her.


Later that Night....

Miranda's POV

After the wedding ceremony we hung around with the crowd from our wedding party. The whole ceremony was beautiful and everything was just so perfect. This was definitely something both Jordan and I would remember for years to come.

We went to dinner after we left, which was on the house. Word spread very quickly in this town and everyone really was like family. It was another rooftop dinner overlooking the water but by this time the sun was already almost set completely over the water.

The views here were so spectacular and I'm so happy that this was how Jordan and I agreed to do things. It would make for an interesting conversation with both of our parents when we got back, but I don't regret one moment of this adventure. 

This was going to be our last night here, our flight back to Toronto was in the late afternoon tomorrow and we wanted to do a little bit more exploring and memory making before we left.

Nothing could beat rooftop dinners with my husband and my baby boy Miles and I just felt so happy in the moment. Of course, Jordan was never one to disappointment nor was he one to spoil surprises, but he said he had one more surprise before the night was out, and I honestly couldn't wait.


Jordan's POV

I walked into the room ahead of Mira to check to see that everything was set the way I wanted it. The rose petals on the bed were placed in two hearts just like I wanted them. I stood behind her and put my hands over her eyes.

 I stood behind her and put my hands over her eyes

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"No looking, promise." I whispered into her ear.

She smiled at the sound of my voice and nodded her head.

With her eyes still closed, I took her hand and led her into the room.

"Okay, open them."

She did and her reaction was perfect. She was in complete shock and I wasn't prepared for the next part.

Mira didn't say a word but I could tell what was on her mind, just by the way she was looking at me. I had thought about this day from the moment I met Mira but now that we were married we could do this the right way.

We had come home and changed before we went for dinner and she was in a white crop top sweater and pink shorts with a pink throw over and damn she looked hot!

I backed her into the wall putting my hand to stop the collision between her head and the wall coming closer and closer to her until there was barely any space left between us

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I backed her into the wall putting my hand to stop the collision between her head and the wall coming closer and closer to her until there was barely any space left between us. I looked down at her lips and could feel her heavy breath on my face already. My lips traced her collarbone and slowly made their way down her body. She closed her eyes enjoying every moment of it.

We both waited too long for this moment, but after the baby scare we promised we would wait a little before even thinking about trying anything. Our wedding night was the best time to try again and I knew she wanted to have this happen. We waited too long to call each other husband and wife and I was going to show her how much she meant to me.

She grabbed my shirt collar and pushed me onto the bed. She had this playful look in her eyes and she was teasing me big time by slowly starting to undo the buttons. She climbed on top of me and pulled the strings on my sweatpants slowly again in a seductive way. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. My hands were placed on her body under her top and her hands were running through my hair.

I unzipped her top and helped her out of it. Mira was wearing the matching blue bra and panties I had bought for her as a gift. For a minute I sat there staring at her, taking in her beauty before me. Her soft lips found mine and I bit her lip making her moan softly. She closed her eyes and let me take over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Miranda's POV

Our bodies pressed up together with no space between us and nothing on was the best feeling in the world. The warmth from the body heat was the only thing that could be felt and after the passionate love we just made, I was lying beside him with my head on his chest, running my hands through his soft brown hair.

It was our first time having sex as a couple and I was so glad he respected my wishes to wait, because it was everything like how I imagined it to be. I couldn't wait to actually make his wish come true. I wanted to be a mother just as bad and I couldn't wait to be able to tell him one day that I was pregnant with his child. I knew he was going to be the perfect father figure by just the way he was with the young kids in our wedding party and the way he was with Miles.

Everything that happened to us was in the past now and we were one step closer to being a happy little family. 

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