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A few months later....

Miranda's POV

Jordan and I were having a lazy day, watching movies and eating snacks. I felt a craving for sour patch kids and I knew Jordan had some hiding somewhere. I got up, with Jordan's help, and waddled to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet where I saw him put the candy, I grabbed two packs, closed the cabinet and walked back to the living room. I sat on the couch and began to eat my sour treat.

"Babe, where'd you get that? You didn't take it from my secret stash, did you?" he asked with an amused look in his eyes. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said smiling at him and popped a piece of candy in my mouth. After a few minutes, I finished my candy and was rubbing my swollen belly when I noticed a slight puddle on the couch. At least the baby let me finish my candy first.

"Babe, my water just broke!" I exclaimed trying to get up.

He had a look of shock on his face, and for a brief second he looked like he was going to pass out. I didn't need this right now.

We had packed an emergency bag a few weeks ago preparing for this moment, and thank god the baby was coming when the doctor's had said it would. We wanted to keep the gender a secret which made throwing the baby shower very easy, all gender neutral decorations.

I made my way to the closet and grabbed the bag and then went back over to Jordan.

"Babe! Snap out of it!! If we don't get going, this baby is going to be delivered right here!" I said, and this managed to get him to move and snap out of the daze he was in.

We made our way towards the car and he helped me in slowly. He then raced back to the drivers side and put the key into the ignition before backing out of the driveway and driving towards the hospital.

We got there in just under 15 minutes but it couldn't have felt longer. We made our way to the counter in the emergency where there was a group of nurses sitting talking to one another.

"Excuse me, my wife is in labour. Can I get a wheelchair and a room for her please?" he said.

They dispersed to see how they could help and shortly after I was being wheeled into a room to give birth. The contractions were getting closer and closer and Jordan gave me his hand to hold when I was put on the bed. Bad idea babe, but I love you for it anyways.

The contractions seemed to be getting closer together in time and the breathing exercise they told me to do, didn't help. The pain was becoming unbearable but I wanted a natural birth. No epidural, no pain medication. Once another wave of pain from my contraction hit, I heard Jordan screaming out in pain. Ooops I guess I squeezed a little too tight.

The doctor arrived shortly after and before I knew it I was holding a healthy happy baby boy. He looked so precious, small, and fragile in my arms and I could feel the tears coming. I looked up at Jordan and he was crying too. This was such a happy moment for us because of the scare we had gotten not too long ago.

I handed Jordan our baby boy to hold and that couldn't have been a cuter sight. Jordan held him carefully in his arms and was so scared to move in case it would disrupt the baby's calm nature.

Deciding on the name wasn't a hard thing to do because we had been talking about potential names for either gender. If it was a girl Jordan wanted to name her Nyaisa and if it was a boy, like I wanted, I was going to name him Christian.

"I'm going to call you Christian Miller." I said, looking at the baby in Jordan's arms. Seeing Jordan play with our son made my heart swell up with love and adoration.

While Jordan and I were admiring our little bundle of joy, we heard a knock at the door. Looking up, we saw our parents walk through the door, hands filled with gifts and flowers.

Once Jordan and I got back from our eloped wedding, our parents found out and were not pleased. They refused to talk to us for months until Jordan and I found out that we were expecting. That's when they let go of any grudges they had against us and helped me throughout my pregnancy. Now, we're all one big happy family.

"Congratulations Miranda, he looks so handsome!" My mom said, with every bit of excitement in her voice.

The parents all took turns holding Christian and doting over him. He had Jordan's nose and smile and my lips and eye shape. He really was our bundle of joy and I couldn't wait to see our son grow up. 

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