Getting Everything Out There

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Jordan's POV

"Well did you?" she asked, looking serious suddenly.

Unable to hold her laughter back though, she started laughing.

"What?!!?" I asked, shocked.

"I'm kidding, it was a joke. Damn someone's on edge." She said.

"I know it wasn't you. I got a good look at the guy and gave my description to the police already. I knew the guy and this wasn't the first time he tried something like this. This was the first time however it was this bad." she continued.

But then why did they think it was me?

"I was just at the office and my dad told me that I was the prime suspect." I said confused.

"You were because you were the last one to be seen with me. But I cleared your name, don't worry." she said, smiling slightly.

She looked so beautiful even with all the scars from the attack.

"Hey look, I'm sorry--"

"Me first." she said.

"I'm sorry for walking out last night. It was just that I don't usually tell people that but the last guy I told ended up walking out on me, leaving me to wonder where I went wrong. He disappeared and wouldn't return any of my calls and then I found out that he got with my ex-best friend. I trusted him with a lot of stuff that I kept to myself and he went out and exposed me to his friends and it just caused a chain reaction of events. It just hurt so much to be betrayed especially that way."

I didn't know what to say. What she went through was really hard and she didn't deserve that.

"What were you going to say?" she asked.

"I was going to say I was sorry about last night, that was never my intention. I didn't mean to make you upset. I have to tell you something but I know what you said before, so this just seems pointless." I said, unsure of how I wanted to continue.

"Just say it, I'm sure that's exactly what I'm thinking about too." she said, with a warm smile.

"There's just something about you. From the first day I saw you, I know that was yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You looked-look so beautiful. I dropped everything at the office, literally, and raced down here to make sure everything was okay as soon as I heard."

"I know you don't want a relationship right now, and I respect that but I just thought you should know." I said, trying not to sound like I was rambling on again.

I looked down to see that she was out again. Great.

I got up to leave when I felt a hand pull me.

"I heard everything you said, I was just trying to picture the way you saw me in my head but you didn't use much describing words." She said laughing.

I smiled looking down at her.

"Well I could try again if you wanted." I said, laughing back, making myself comfortable beside her.

"By the way, I like you too. Why do you think I was bothering you about the drinks last night?" she asked, smiling.

"I had an internal monologue going and everything. But I'm going to keep that to myself" she said, joking around.

"Oh really, well I will get it out of you somehow." I said joking back.


Back at the Office

Michael's POV

The office is a total mess and this is exactly why Jordan isn't in a high position. I wasn't sure what happened but I know he messed up and really badly this time. Not going to lie, this kind of made me happy.....

I heard a knock at my office door and looked up to see Becca standing there. I mean I loved the girl to pieces but dang she needs to get a job. I was lucky I still had mines after the whole incident with Jordan, but thank god he didn't tell anyone about it. I guess he didn't hate me as much as I thought.

"Hi baby," she said walking into my office.

"Hi babe, I'm kinda busy, did you need something?"

"Yeah you." she said playfully.

"Babe, I'm serious. With all of this happening right now, the last thing I need is for any...distractions. You understand right?" I said, flashing her a smile, while looking for a paper in the pile on my desk.

"Fine. I guess I'll see you at home then." she said, turning to leave.

God, I knew this was going to lead to a fight later on, I had to do something to end this now. Arguments with Rebecca only ended with, well you know. That was the only way I ever got her to forgive me. I know it was wrong, and don't worry, it was always safe and protected but still.

She had this way about her that seemed to easily anger me. I honestly didn't think it would get this far. When Jordan found out, it wasn't the first time either, which is probably the reason why he wasn't as mad as I thought. He was always gone and busy with school. I know he loved her, but she needed more than just being considered to be an occasional visit. She deserved better than him. But I finally understand why he was like that. I can't believe I'm giving him credit.

"Becca wait." I said, getting up.

She turned to face me and left her hand on the doorknob.

"Yes." she said, appearing to be celebrating in her head, as if she was winning this argument.

"I can't do this anymore. I see why Jordan was the way he was with you. I'm done. Get out and don't let the door hit you on the way out."

With that, she turned and walked out, never to be seen again....hopefully. 

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