Breaking the News

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Jordan's POV

I know asking Mira to marry me was a snap decision and many people might not agree with me, but I meant every word I said to her. No one ever made me feel that way, and I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. My parents would probably get over it quicker than her parents and of course even though she was happy that she said yes, she was dreading the call to her parents.

I hadn't been to work since last week and today was Monday. I didn't want to leave her but she assured me she was fine. I told her if she needed anything I was only a phone call away and that I would be home as soon as I could. I wasn't really looking forward to going in though cause I knew my dad would be pissed off at me about not hearing from me or seeing me at work for a week. But he was the least of my worries right now.

I finished getting ready and said goodbye to Mira and Miles. Miles looked sad that I was leaving but Mira said she was going to stay around with him so he didn't get lonely or lost.

I walked to my car and drove to work getting there in half an hour. It was 9:30 AM so the traffic was a lot lighter. I walked through the door and went to my office to find a note on my door.

When you get in, come to my office now

I took it off and crumpled it up. It was from my dad and I knew I couldn't put it off any longer so I dropped my bags and went over to his office.

Miranda's POV

I walked around the house with Miles exploring more rooms. I was going to be home for a while, so it was best I used this time to get to know the place better. I made my way through the floor where our rooms were and took in the views out of my window.

Miles was at my feet trying to get my attention. I knelt down and petted him before picking him up. He was 9 weeks old now and had so much energy, so he became hungry quicker.

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked, playing around with him.

He barked as if to answer my question, so we made our way to the kitchen so I could feed him. I found the puppy chow that we had bought and a bowl and poured some out for him. I was feeling hungry myself so I decided to make something to eat too.

I toasted a bagel and put cream cheese on it. When we finished eating I picked Miles up and continued walking and exploring the house. I noticed a pool outside and ran to my room to get changed and went to go for a swim. 

Jordan's POV

I walked into his office and closed the door behind me. He was on the phone but told the person on the other end that he was going to call them back.

"Where the hell have you been? You took off the last time you were here and I called you so many times and no answer. Where is your girlfriend and when did all of that happen? She's your god damn personal assistant Jordan, how am I supposed to explain to her dad what's going on?" he asked angered.

"She's not my girlfriend....she's my bride." I trailed off.

"What did you just say?" he said, seeming to be more angered by my words.

"I said she's not my girlfriend, she's my bride." I repeated slower.

"The hell she is! What are you doing Jordan? You just met her last week. You take her to a bar the same day you meet her, she's raped, and then you disappear and now you tell me she's your bride!!??" he exclaimed.

"I don't expect you to understand dad, this is why I didn't tell you." I said turning to leave.

"Where are you going now? Going to disappear again?"

"No dad, I haven't been in the office for a week, I'm going to do some work."

"Now you care about work! You didn't seem to have any regard for work when you left and haven't returned since last week! I wasn't sure what was happening and after I couldn't reach you, I decided to make an executive decision and give your work to Michael. He clearly puts work ahead of everything else unlike you." he said.

That was all I needed to hear. I walked out of his office and went to grab my keys from my office.

"Don't you walk out again Jordan, I promise you will not like the result if you do!" I heard my dad call from his office. I didn't care what happened though, what he did wasn't right.

"What did you do this time Jordan?" Michael asked taunting me.

I turned to see a smirk on his face and I took one swing at him knocking him to the ground. My wrist hurt and I heard people starting to talk and my dad's voice above it all, but I kept walking right out the building. I got in my car and drove off.  

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