New Room

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Lisa's POV

"Come on Slowpoke!" Amy yells at me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming"

Amy runs up the stairs as I follow. How many floors are there? It feels like a million. When I finally catch up to her she is standing in front of a door.

"This is Dani and me's room, and I think that you're rooming with us too so welcome to your temporary home. She opens the door and I see a nicely decorated room inside.

Dani's POV

I am reorganizing my drawers for the 14th time and it feels right, 14 is the magic number this time. The door to my room opens quickly and I assume it's Amy.

"Hey, Dan Dan!"

I was right

"Hey, Ames!"

"We have a new girl, her name is Lisa"

I turn around and look at the new girl. She has short hair dyed a teal-Blue. She is skinny, the type of skinny I want to be.

"Hi, Lisa"

"Hi, Dan?"

"Names Dani, So, Ames are you giving her a tour of the entire place or just our floor?"

"Our floor, she already got a tour of the place when she was visiting, at least that's what Mrs. Ronda said. We are going to go now"

"Ok, just before you go into Chris, Kath, and Laur's room knock... ok?"

"Of course I will!"

Lisa's POV

We leave the room. So "Chris", "Kath", and "Laur" are the mysterious girls who will be sent into "Attacks". And judging by the 2 people telling Amy to not burst into their room, their attacks are horrible.

We see a few rec rooms, a cafeteria, and some therapy rooms before we loop back around to the room across from ours. We were extremely inefficient but, I had nothing to do so it didn't bother me.

"This is Chrissy, Kath, and Laur's room"

She then knocks gently on the door.

"One second"

I hear a faint whisper.

The door cracks open and I see a face poke through and a small stuttery whisper

"Y-Yes, A-A-Amy?"

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