One on One

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Christina shrugs with Katherine cuddling closer to her and Lauren curling up to Christina. Those girls are really close. I wonder why? I want to find out but, I guess I have to wait.

Christina's POV

The last few days have been crazy and I'm hoping to relax soon. All of these events have taken a toll on us all. I am currently walking toward my one on one therapy session for the first time in a couple of days now that Katherine has gotten better from her concussion.

I push open the door to my therapist's room and she looks up from some paperwork.

"Ah, Hello, Christina. Long time no see. Take a seat."


I sit down and just stare at the wood on the desk, biting my lip in anxiety.

"So, I was told about all the things happening. How are you handling it?"

"Fine... I guess"

"I'm glad. Can you tell me how you are feeling?"

"I am... I am just really stressed and... anxious. I keep thinking about all the things that haven't happened yet but that could happen. "

"Ok. Can you tell me how that affects your sleep?"

"I don't get much sleep anymore... It makes my nightmares worse and worsens my panic disorder."

"Speaking of your panic attacks, how often are you having them?"

"At least once a day most of the time more."

"Ok. Do you know what is causing them?"

"My nightmares and the stress is making me panicky."

"Ok. How are you dealing with adults helping?"

"I... It's ok. I can deal with it I just dislike asking for help or getting help."

"Hmmm. Interesting."

Is it really though? Is it really?

"C-Can I go now?"

"You can leave whenever you want. you didn't even have to come."

"I-I came because I felt bad for not coming and... and now I want to leave... Please?"

"Of course. Whenever you want, you can leave."

I get up and slowly and silently walk out of the room. The questions were getting too personal. I wonder how the other girls are handling their therapy. I know that Lauren didn't want to go but, the rest of the girls did so, I hope they are doing well.

Lisa's POV

I am sitting in the therapy room as an older woman stares me down.

"Hello, Lisa. This is the first time you are seeing me despite the fact that you have been here for a week."

"S-sorry. Things kind of got... Overwhelming."

"Did they now?"


"I know the hospital tells you that you don't have to come... but, I want you to come. Unless someone is dying, you have to come. The hospital's rules just prevent healing."

I am about to respond when another old lady appears looking exactly like the one in front of me.

"MARHTA! I told you not to mess with my patients. you may be my sister but, you are not a certified therapist. I will talk to you later. Go make dinner for the kids."

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