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It is time to go eat breakfast

Christina's POV

As soon as I open the door I am bombarded by questions from Amy. I love her but she has so much energy it is overwhelming somtimes and it just causes my anxiety to spike up.

 "Ooh, what do you think we are having?"

 " Do you think there will be anyone else new?"

 "How is everyone doing?"

 " Did you, Kath, or Laur get any sleep last night? "

Dani must have seen my stress levels going up because she quickly answers most of Amy's questions and keeps her occupied. I notice that Lauren is gripping my wrist tightly and when I look over she is extremely tense as we walk through the hall full of people. I look over to find Kath looking down at the floor as she walks. I gently grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze as she looks up. She gives me a small smile. Don't get me wrong I love that smile but, I wish I could see her big smile. Her genuine, happy smile. Not her small broken, sad one. The smile she had before HE started playing his "Game" with us. 

We eventually reach the cafeteria to grab our food. I notice that Lisa is handed a smaller portion then the rest of us making me think that she has anorexia or something like that.

Lisa's POV

As soon as I sit down with the girls I look around observing all of them.

Dani seems to be the youngest. She is eating her food in color order starting with her carrots. She is skinny and looks to be eating a lot of food. Amy reaches over and slows her down. 

 "Hey, slow down. It's ok. You know your not allowed to do it and even if you were Christina wouldn't let you"

Dani looks at Amy and gives a small nod and begining to eat slower. Why can't she do "It" and why would "It" make her eat quickly.

I look at Amy now. She is shorter but more mature than Dani. She seems to be restless as she constantly moves around talking excitedly with everyone. When I say everyone I mean Christina, Dani and her were conversing while Katherine listened and Lauren hides herself in Christina.

I look over at Lauren. Her posture is tense and rigid. She is hiding her face with her mane of brown hair and Christina's body. Christina wraps her arm around Lauren and rubs it up and down comforting her. 

I look at Christina she seems to be the oldest. She is very put together. She seems organized and fierce. Despite her organization I know she is not completely OK because otherwise she wouldn't be here. She also is tense and her fingers drumming on the table make me think that she is extremely anxious.

Finally I look at Katherine. She looks Uncomfortable and Tired. The bags under her eyes have dissapeared. Maybe it was just the lighting. Then I look closer and see that she has concealer on. Why would she be hiding her tiredness? She looks sad and Christina seems to notice. Christina reaches with her free hand and places a hand on Katherine's thigh and whispers something.

Suddenly everyone gets up and begins throwing everything away. I look down at my tray of food and become disgusted in myself. I ate half of the tray without knowing it. This needs to stop. I need to pay more attention next time. I abruptly get up and throw out the tray. If I keep eating like that I will definitely get larger and fatter.

 "Hey, wanna hang with us during our free time?"

 Dani asks me taking me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, sure."

This is starting slowly but I promise it will get more exciting. I realized that I post a chapter then proofread it then fix the things that are wrong then repost it. It isn't very efficient but... Oh well. Spring Break so no homework and I will be updating more.😄

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