Their Story

743 31 14

I may be a little protective at times... Just a little

Christina's POV

Lauren, Katherine and I sit down nervously for group therapy knowing that I had to tell our story. The fact that our story had to be shared at all was stressful as is. Now I have to find the words to describe it now? Sigh. I am going to be in a bit of a... Dilemma to say the least. 

Everyone else comes in slowly, one by one. Dani giving me a nervous glance with her mouthing words to me so that I can hopefully read her lips.

You alright? Everything good... Even with your dad?

I send a thumbs up and respond with slow mouthing...

We... We are good... I don't forgive him but... I'll explain... Later?

Dani nods back in confirmation. 

Everyone has arrived and we are just sitting awkwardly. I finally decide to get this over with. I may be a nervous wreck now but maybe, just maybe I can auto pilot this one.

 "So... Hi girls... Umm... As you know we... We decided to skip yesterday's meeting because of... Because of my dad's visit but... Still, it is... My-Our Our turn to... To share our story... Well... Yeah... "

Everyone either nods or verbally affirms... Except for Katherine and Lauren.

"Ok... Well... I am not going to go to far into detail but, when all three of us were young..."

I motion to Kath, Laur , and I.

"Our mother... She died after giving birth to... To a stillborn. A still born baby boy, my father and mother were going to name him Christian. My mothers body couldnt handle the stress of having a baby and she died a few hours after the birth. That year was a blur of planning, sorrow, and pity from others. "

I pause and take a deep breath to look around.

Lisa and Amy are both crying and holding each others hands tightly. Dani is just staring at the floor fishing with the hem of her shirt.

 "Our dad soon... He soon turned on us three... Blaming us for exhausting our mother to much. He also blamed us for killing his only son. At first he would just yell and that was that but... But then it got worse... He started coming home from 'work' drunk and he started... Beating us... Soon he stopped leaving the house and just ordered alcohol online. We started running out of money so, he sold our house for a small one flat. He got rid of all of the valuable things in the house. That money didn't last long though... Soon he had to start finding other ways to fund his habits. He made us go to work... And then he resorted to start selling his daughters bodies... Our bodies to others... Kath and I managed to save Laur-"


 "-Sorry... Kath and I managed to save Lauren but it didn't stop her from deve-"


 "Didn't stop her from developing mental scars... Our abuse is the rea-"


 "Ok. Sorry but what is that beeping sound? It's kind of... Disrupting... You know?*

 Everyone just shrugs and looks around briefly before shrugging again and looking at me.




"Seriously. Someone needs to shut that off. I'll be right back."

 I begin to leave the room going to the from office to find someone who could turn that beeping noise off.

 "Christina! Christina!"

Lisa shouts my name

Then everything goes black.

 "Christina! Come on! Please wake up! Please!"

 I grown loudly my mind still foggy.

 "Wh-what happened?"

 I manage to croak out even though my throat is extremely dry.

 "You fell asleep? Anyway , that isn't important. What is, is the fact that we have some work to do for the band so get up! Laur and Dan are already here."

 "Fine. I'll be down soon. Just give me a second to do my devotions, wash my face, get ready for the day and stuff."

 "Fine you better be quick though... Remember we are filming today as well. We have to get things done!"

 "Got it now, scram."

 Lisa leaves my room as I take a few minutes to fully wake up.

Huh. What a weird dream...

Ok. Sorry about the whole disappearing for two weeks thing. I got absorbed in personal things. 

Also this chapter was written at 1 AM because I couldn't sleep and got this idea while trying to sleep.

K, Bye

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