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I hope I can keep her out of her attack

Christina's POV

We arrive at the hospital and I see the building I have lived in for 6 months that has become my home. Lauren gets out and I decide to let Katherine get some sleep because before the incident she didn't get much sleep ever. I want her to catch up on sleep now. I move her head and get out of the car. I walk over to the other side of the car and pick her up bridal style. As soon as I pick her up she unconsciously cuddles up to me. I smile widely.

We walk into the lobby and see Mrs. Ronda sitting behind the desk.  She looks up and smiles.

"Glad to see you girls back, How is Katherine doing?"

"She's doing well, she is getting sleep because of the medications and her injuries aren't that bad. I would like to inform you that Kath has been ordered to do bedrest so, Lauren and I will not be going to group therapy unless the group comes to us. I will most likely not go to the one on one therapy session because I need to stay with Kath to help her recover. Her injuries are a concussion and she has a large cut on her neck with some stitches."

"Ok dear."

I give her a thankful smile and head upstairs to our room. I lie Katherine down on my side of the bed.  I check the time. 10:00 AM I should probably tell the girls that I am here.

"Hey, Laur, I am going to go inform Dani, Amy, and Lisa that we are back ok?"

"Yeah, it's fine. If Kath wakes up should I get you?"

"Umm, no, it won't take long so I think that it will be fine. Just tell her where I am Ok? "


"Thanks, Laur."

I leave the room closing it quietly behind me.  I start thinking about Lauren. She has come so far from her mute self. She uses to have selective mutism and she still does have some traces of it but, she now is able to talk in front of others. I get to the door and hear screams and sobs inside. What is happening?!

I open the door quickly and take in the scene before me. Amy is huddled in a corner with Dani opening and closing her drawers while counting. I try to find Lisa and see her in bed sleeping.

"What happened?"

Dani looks up at me.

"Long story short, when you left Amy started freaking out and Lisa went into hypersomnolence and has been sleeping for around 17 hours. Now Amy is having one of her Schizophrenic episodes and my OCD is driving me insane."

"Well, I'll try to help Amy, do what you need to."

I walk over to Amy.

"Hey, Ames are you Ok?"

"Chris i- is that really you?"

" Yes Amy, can you tell me what you see and why you are scared?"

"Th-there i-is a-a man o-over there, h-he is talking a-and h-he wants to hurt me. G-g-get h-him a-away."

I look over and see a coat hanging on a hook in the corner. I still don't understand how her mind turned the coat into a man but it's fine I will help her either way. I walk over to the coat and hide it. This normally makes the hallucination go away because there is no longer an object to base the hallucination off. I walk back over to Amy.

"Is the man gone now, hon?"

"Yeah, thanks, Chris."

"I'll help you anytime. Now, I would like to tell you that Katherine, Lauren and I have gotten back. Katherine is fine, but She is sleeping."

"Kath is Ok? Good. I was worried."

Amy immediately bounces back after her attack and it's good to see her back to her bubbly self.

"I'm gonna go back to our room. Do you think you can control things here?"

"Yeah! I'll go help Dani"

I leave the room. Time to go check on Kath.

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