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Angela's POV

I walk back into the building I am so familiar with. I notice that the floors are polished. They must have polished them after I left last time. I look around and find Mrs Ronda sitting in her chair at the front desk as always.

 "HEY Mrs Ronda! What is my room number. I am coming back as a long term patient again."

 She gives a small sign as her face furrows in confusion. She begins typing but then asks.

 "I thought you got over your substance abuse addiction?"

 "I did but I had a relapse so you get to see my pretty face around here again"

She sighs and with venom her voice she says.

 "Room 147, you will be rooming alone this time because of the incidents that you caused with your previous roommate. She left thankfully but she had to take time to recover."

 "Oh come on. It wasn't THAT bad. "

 "Yes it was. Now go up to your room, lunch is in a few hours. As you know."

 " What, am I not getting a tour? "

 "You have already been here you don't need a tour."

 "What if I forgot? "

 "You left a month ago. I don't think you forgot and we didn't change anything. You also have been here 11 other times so, I dont think you need a tour"

I sign knowing that I lost. I begin walking up the stairs and going to my room. On my way  I see A group of 6 girls here. I recognize 5 of them and the other one looks new. I just realize how beautiful one of the girls is with her light brown hair cascading down her back. She isn't the tallest or shortest and she has a certain grace to her movments. How did I not notice her beauty before? They enter room 145 and I hope I get to see them again.

I walk into my room and it looks like every other room I have been in. I begin unpacking.

When I finish it is time for lunch. I begin walking down the hallway greeting everyone I recognize. I suddenly see the group of girls again sitting at a table. I smile, let's go meet them after I get my lunch from the line.

Christina's POV

Amy is telling us a story when I notice a red haired girl coming over to us with a tray of food in her hands. I protectively rap my arm around Lauren and set my hand on Katherine's thigh. I can't let anyone hurt them.

She sits down next to us and introduces herself.

 "Hey I'm Angela! You have probably seen me here before or you have at least heard of me because I remember you guys."

 We all look at her with confusion we have heard of her? When it suddenly clicks. This is the girl that caused her roommate to go into Cardiac Arrest. I don't trust this girl around my friends. I will do anything in my power to protect them from danger.

 "Hey I am Christina, this is Katherine and Lauren."

 "I'm Amy and I'm a so exited to meet you"

 "My name is Dani"

"I'm Lisa, nice to meet you. "

"So are any of you dating anyone? "

Everyone looks shocked at the question she asks, even Lisa.

 "Katherine and I are taken, thank you very much. Lauren and Dani are taken, I think. Amy and Lisa are single which may I add, is not a bad thing."

 The girl, Angela, looks sad and disappointed. Why? I have no clue. I am noticing that she is extremely blunt and has no filter at all when saying things.

 "Why do you ask?"

 " Because, I think I might like you. "

Ooh. Drama. And my new villan type person.

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