Group Therapy

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You will be mine, Christina. You will be mine.

Christina's POV

That red-headed girl better stay away from me and my family. I don't trust her. I heard she was in for a drug and alcohol addiction. Kath, Laur, and I have been around enough alcohol for a lifetime. We finish up our lunch in peace. Angela doesn't show her face again during lunch. I am worried she will try something. What if she somehow convinces Katherine to leave me? What if-

"Hey, Christina it is time for group Therapy."

Dani Shakes me out of my thoughts and I look around. Everyone is looking at me worriedly. How long have I been sitting here?


I get up and we begin walking to the therapy. I begin worrying. What if the new girl judges us for our problems? Calm Down Christina. Just take a deep breath. Katherine grabs my hand and looks at me with worry in her eyes. I hadn't realized it but my breathing had begun accelerating.

"Y-y-yo-ou O-o-k?"

"Yeah, sorry my anxiety was getting the best of me. I'm good now though. That reminds me. I'm pretty sure I know Lauren's answer but I want to know yours."

Kath looks at me inquisitively.

"Do you want me to talk for you today?"

Kath looks unsure and apprehensive.

"Hey I don't care what you choose, I won't be mad either way. Just do whatever you need to. I don't want you to have a panic attack."

She immediately relaxes.

"Y-y-yo-ou... p-p-pl-le-ea-s-se"

"Of course."

I give her a small kiss on the cheek. She smiles and gives me a small kiss back. Kath, Laur, and I sit down on the small couch as the rest of the girls pick chairs to sit on. I take a deep breath and begin speaking.

"Hello girls, as you know, this is group therapy. Today we have a new member-"

"HEY! SORRY, I'm late, I was talking with some people!"

I visibly flinch at the loud noise and I am sure Lauren and Kath Flinched as well. I sigh and take a deep breath.

"Hello, next time get here on time please."

I look at the intruding girl. Oh no... It's Angela. Wait she is in this group. NO... no... no. I glance over at Katherine nervously, she looks scared. I prepare myself to speak again.

"Hello girls, as you know, this is group therapy. Today we have a new member- sorry two new members. Since they are new we will be introducing ourselves and our illnesses today. Next time one of the new girls will share their story. I think we will need to move one of you into a different group because there aren't supposed to be more than six people in a group but, we will see. After we say our problems it is open for questions about our illnesses. When asking questions, do not be surprised if the person you are asking questions about doesn't feel comfortable answering them. You do not have to answer questions that you do not feel comfortable with because we want this to be a safe space for everyone. Every day one of us will share our 'Story' with the group until we get through all of the stories. Any Questions?"

"Yes, can I sit next to you?"

Why would she think that I would say yes? I told her I was in a relationship but she still ignores it.


"Okay let us begin."

"Hi I'm Amy Smith and I am 15. I have ADHD, Restless Legs Syndrome, and Schizophrenia!"

"Hi, I am Dani Smith, 13 years old and I am Amy's younger sister. I am here because I have Bipolar Disorder, OCD, and Bulimia"

"Oh... Umm... I'm Lisa Brown and I am 16 years old.  I have Depression, Hypersomnia, and Anorexia."

"I am Ashley Bass and I have an Alchohol and drug addiction. I am 15 years old and lesbian."

I scoff under my breath. Really, you are a lesbian? Who would have guessed?

"This is Lauren Cimorelli she is 14 and has PTSD, Social Anxiety, Acute Stress Disorder, and Separation Anxiety. This is Katherine Cimorelli she is 16 and not single. She has PTSD, Insomnia, Stuttering, and an Adjustment Disorder. I am Christina Cimorelli and I am 17 years old and NOT SINGLE. I have PTSD, Anxiety, a Panic Disorder, a Nightmare Disorder, and a Reactive Attachment Disorder. We are all sisters. If you mess with them, you mess with me. Got it? Good"

"Any questions?"

Lisa's POV

I am sitting in shock. The put together Christina has more problems than any of us do and she acts like the healthiest. Also, what happened to them to make them all have post-traumatic stress disorder? I have so many questions.

"I have a question"

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